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  1. damian

    JFK assassination - 60th anniversary

    Maybe. I don't know. I just find it hard to believe that the president of the USA could be assassinated in his own country like that. It is the entrepot for all other conspiracy theories and a lot of giys who get deeply interested in the Kennedy assassination also go down a rabbit hole of...
  2. damian

    JFK assassination - 60th anniversary

    It does seem clear that there was a conspiracy to assassinate the President of the USA. I just cannot bring myself to accept the lone disgruntled gun mam story.
  3. damian

    THE PACIFIC miniseries---lost money

    Well I bought that on blu ray so they must not blame me
  4. damian

    Napoleon. Ridley Scott

    We can all agree it was not as great as Zulu But then nothing can ever be
  5. damian


    Cheers to that Over and out.
  6. damian


    Well then we agree We all need America and the west. We do. That is why everyone who hates it so much desperately tries to go and live there. None of those countries you mention are high up on anyone's choice of destination.
  7. damian


    We all agree with that But the results are different Korea a draw Vietnam a loss Gulf War One. a huge victory War on terror a bit mixed
  8. damian


    You have to admit that the results of most post WWII US military interventions have been a bit mixed. By and large.
  9. damian

    Napoleon. Ridley Scott

    You are being a bt harsh on Waterloo. Plummer was good as Wellington and Steiger was good as Napoleon. Sergey Bondarchuk also made a very good and very long version of War and Peace. Looking forward to Scott's Napoleon
  10. damian


    Whilst I would not be so quick to write the Afrikaner off, there is unfortunately a lot of truth in your assessment of things
  11. damian


    I used to give some credence to the line that being anti-Israel or anti-zionist did not make you anti-Semitic. Unfortunately as I have seen more I have come to realise that this is a complete canard. There is in fact no distinction between being anti- Israel and being anti-Semitic. So many...
  12. damian


    It is absolutely shocking and a complete outrage. I never thought I would hear about such things in the contemporary world.
  13. damian


    We are approaching the centenary of the beer hall putsch and here we are again with anti-Semitism on the rise and Jewish people once again unsafe and the victims of vicious pogroms. It is a disgrace and an outrage.
  14. damian

    Ukrainian SS Memorials in UK & Canada

    Mr Trudeau is so busy creating and supporting false narratives about so called genocides in his own country's history that he overlooked the very real history of genocide in this individuals life history.
  15. damian

    My TG Roman Collection

    Those ladies must be getting cold
  16. damian

    Dirty politics behind US Navy ship names

    The narrator appears to be a Beatles fan
  17. damian

    Nice find, what do i do with all the boxes now

    What a nice problem to have. Look forward to seeing the sets
  18. damian


    Why is it always the K and C monthly despatches thread that invariably ends up in an unpleasant exchange ?
  19. damian

    MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC! Please Share what you are Listening to, or your Favorites.

    World famous in New Zealand. Thanks for introducing me to her. Looked her up. Quite good stuff.