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  1. C

    Unknown soldiers in need of identification!!

    Indeed, perhaps. The képis had me thinking Foreign Legion/North Africa but I'm beginning to think they may be Civil War. The moveable arm has me stumped as well. No way they're Mignot. Beginning to think they may be older than I thought.
  2. C

    Unknown soldiers in need of identification!!

    I thought maybe Edmund's but I don't think so?
  3. C

    Unknown soldiers in need of identification!!

    Hollowcast I believe but no markings? Are they foreign legion, zouaves, turcos? Would love to know the maker.
  4. C

    Unknown soldiers in need of identification!!

    That's terrific, thanks very much Al.
  5. C

    Unknown soldiers in need of identification!!

    Hello everyone, I'm attempting to identify the following soldiers. I know the drum corps are zouaves, but does anyone recognize the make? And with respect to the mounted Egyptian (I think?), does anyone know anything further - make, regiment? Any help is appreciated?