Search results

  1. V

    Toy soldier stores in hong kong

    hi, where can i find toy stores in hong kong selling britains, cherilea, herald, lonestar, and timpo? thankyou steve
  2. V

    Britains, cherilea, herald, lonestar, timpo stores in hong kong

    hi, we'll be going to hong kong this coming december^&grin. where can i find plastic toy soldier stores in hong kong selling britains, cherilea, herald, lonestar, and timpo:rolleyes2:? thankyou:) steve
  3. V

    Plastic toy soldier collector here from the philippines

    hi everybody i'm steve from the philippines. i love collecting plastic toy soldiers like scott guards (buckingham palace guards) red coats, life guards etc. as i can remember these were sold here in the philippines way back 70's. i don't know the brand maybe timpo. just finished paying the...