Roman cavalry run down the remaining barbarian stragglers that have been decimated at the recent battle for empire. Marcus Aurelius is aged, but still has an eye for the best in all fields. his field general has lead the Roman army to victory again and again! FOV Roman figures and TSSD...
Octavian moves into Egypt to avenge the slight to his sister by the defacto consort of Egypt, Marc Antony. Antony has fallen in lust with Cleopatra and enjoys the power that being the primary leader of an Oriental country brings. The exotic drugs he imbibes do not make his mind clear for...
Elements of the Agurts Forsetti division move through a village on their side of the border. Enemy foragers have been moving into the mountainous regions looking for food and people to... To the low-life enemy soldier, the human body had other uses besides just sex. it's not talked about...
Thanks for the kind words Gents!
"Villains and Anti-Heroes". Various toy figures brought together to make this melee of pulp and film genre's. Different and absurd. Photoshop used.
Sepp Allenburger and his "second" are moving back to their home-base and a good night's sleep. To reach the extraordinary kill ratio he was able to achieve on the Russian Front required sound tactics and thinking. On this occasion, due to extreme fatigue Allenburger and his companion move...
1/32 toy soldiers and one 1/18th action figure to represent the combat portion of Desert Storm in January-February of 1991 in the Kuwait and Iraq area of conflict. FOV M60A1 Marine tank and figures used. The officer at center with subordinates using/hiding a torch to look over a tactical map...
Taliban-enemy attacking a Marine convoy at rest. They have a propaganda photographer... that did not make it through of course; hence the odd angle of the replacement wheel on the humvee in the picture. He is on his knees taking the picture. Notice the enemy taking a bullet at rear of the...
1/18th scale figures and a small Alien derelict ship. I always loved the scene with this ship in it from the Alien movie. Had to make my own version/ poster. Ha!
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