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  1. arditi

    Some of my work

    Thank you sir!
  2. arditi

    Some of my work

    Fiddled with it a bit more. Better I think.
  3. arditi

    Some of my work

    HG Wells floor-game.
  4. arditi

    On the Road to Mandalay.

  5. arditi

    Some of my work

    Hedgerow fight...France, 1944.
  6. arditi

    Some of my work

    Black Death in occupied Berlin. 1945.
  7. arditi

    Some of my work

    Lieutenant Frankenstein came from an old and aristocratic family from Germany. He and his family were initially looked upon in suspicion as they were recent expats from Germany. This soon dissipated. There was something about the green hue that ran in the family that was frowned upon in the new...
  8. arditi

    Some of my work

    Advanced elements of the 3rd Regimento Bersaglieri move further into Russian holdings. This elite unit had rich historical traditions and were motorcycle borne. In this picture we see one of the moto-guzzis' at it's last gasp. The Sergeante jumps off and moves on down the road. No stopping. His...
  9. arditi

    Ascari and Savari

    Very very nice!
  10. arditi

    Deal in the Desert

  11. arditi

    Ascari and Savari

    Love this thread.
  12. arditi

    Some of my work

    Tamerlane's forces protect the trade routes in the Persia area.. Del Prado figures. Late 1300s to 1405.
  13. arditi

    Some of my work

    You are probably right Sir! Haha
  14. arditi

    Some of my work

    Valley of Gwangi II.
  15. arditi

    Some of my work

  16. arditi

    Some of my work

    Russian cavalry move into occupied Poland. Figarti figures if memory serves.
  17. arditi

    Some of my work

    Senegalese Warrior. Del Prado.
  18. arditi

    Some of my work

    For those of you that are the first series fan of the Planet of the Apes movies. Neca action figures and photoshop.
  19. arditi

    Some of my work

    Thank you Sir!
  20. arditi

    Some of my work

    Egypt, 1942. FOV British Matilda with Ulitimate Soldier Panzer III brewed up.