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  1. M

    Supreme range of figures

    A fair point from the moral high ground - but will plastic versions of metal figures really do the metal sales any harm?... and Italeri have stopped making the figures which have been copied... They have been called 'junk' - given the original figures eg K&C and Italeri get nothing but praise...
  2. M

    95mm Sci-Fi Game

    There are the 'forerunner's' of Hammer's Slammers/Gaunt's Ghosts in it - Schaffer's Last Chancers, a squad of Dirty Dozen type misfit-antiheroes. As to who won - it was agreed as being an honorable draw! The defender's were outnumbered 2:1 and held on longer than anyone expected, but in the end...
  3. M

    95mm Sci-Fi Game

    Thanks for the kind words Jeff - yes, they are all conversions - GI Joes and the like. Mad but fun! Its based on the 28mm Games Workshop 40K concept, we add another K for Kingsize! {eek3}
  4. M

    95mm Sci-Fi Game

    For anyone wanting a real shock to the system, I invite you to take a look at our recent SF game using 95mm 1/18th scale figures at Warning - not for the 1/32nd Historical purist! :wink2:
  5. M

    Magazine Articles on making Austro-Hungarian Grenzer & Artillery

    FWIW I have a couple of more articles on converting and painting Austro-Hungarian Grenzer and Field Artillery in the latest issue #50 of Toy Soldier Collector. There are some extra photos of the artillery at I had wanted to add the colourful and...
  6. M

    Aip sets 2013

    As an aside, it is worth bearing in mind that if there are any new sets in 2013 (and I hope and believe there will be) they will only be made because of AIP's approach to maximising the sales they get from a set of masters by making them in more than one colour plastic. Selling one set in one...
  7. M

    Can anyone ident this Indian

    OzDigger Sorry - I missed the joke in my haste to be the first to say what the figure was... only to realise too late that I was way, way down the list of responses! Do some of you guys sit forum watching waiting to pounce! ;) Interesting comment about Apaches being part of the Plains Indian...
  8. M

    Can anyone ident this Indian

    It came from an Airfix original but in red plastic it must be a copy and is a Plains Indian not an Apache! As to the size comparisin with other Airfix figures - they, like all makers, were not consistent across ranges and sometimes even within sets.
  9. M

    Skirmish Wargamer's Colours 2012 Retreat from Moscow Game

    OzDigger, We got asked that a lot at the show! It is Artificial Snow - the stuff that shops use for Christmas displays - GBP £140 worth of it!! Google 'artifical snow' and a local seller is bound to appear - obviously ours was in the UK (Christmas Time). It is entirely non-toxic and inert, can...
  10. M

    Skirmish Wargamer's Colours 2012 Retreat from Moscow Game

    Here is a link to photos of Skirmish Wargamers's 54mm 1/32nd scale demo game at Colours this year. All the figures were conversions, mostly plastic but a few metal too. I will cross post in the shows section too.
  11. M

    Colours 2012 Retreat from Moscow

    Here is a link to photos of Skirmish Wargamers's 54mm 1/32nd scale demo game at Colours this year. All the figures were conversions, mostly plastic but a few metal too. I will cross post in the plastics section too.
  12. M

    No. I have posted in numerous forums but not that one as far as I can recall. I also write for...

    No. I have posted in numerous forums but not that one as far as I can recall. I also write for or have written for the 2 UK Toy Soldier magazines and Collector's gazette, and The Standard, the W Britain Collector's Club Journal...
  13. M

    Colours 07 Skirmish Wargames Award Winning WWII Pacific Game 'Bloody Kaiten!'

    Again, thanks. Of course you may use some of the photos on your forum - just acknowledge their source please. I tried to sign up for your forum but couldn't figures (no pun intended) out how??? Could you help me please?
  14. M

    USMC Conversions

    Thanks for the kind words. Please don't think I am being 'snappy', as it is not intended, but if you read the descriptions which come up when you click on a photo I am pretty sure all have the make of figures explained where I knew it (some might be old figures where I have forgotten the maker)...
  15. M

    Colours 07 Skirmish Wargames Award Winning WWII Pacific Game 'Bloody Kaiten!'

    Again thanks for the kind words. Casualties - yes, Multi-pose are excellent. We also had a lot of Britains Deetail given us by the company, and we used them too - easily spipped off the metal base!
  16. M

    Colours 07 Skirmish Wargames Award Winning WWII Pacific Game 'Bloody Kaiten!'

    Thanks for the kind words. The figures you ask about are both Airfix multi-pose. I think the bazooka is an MG actually? There are no metal figures, except on the LC. The 'sailors' are TSSD conversions, intended to represent Sea Bees.
  17. M

    Colours 07 Skirmish Wargames Award Winning WWII Pacific Game 'Bloody Kaiten!'

    Thanks guys. We have about 10 'core' members who contribute to and play in games regularly, scattered all across the country. Some get to every 'rendesvoo' and others perhaps just one a year. We are lucky in having a number of good converters, painters and scenery makers. Our club meetings are...
  18. M

    Britains Ltd New Plastic ranges

    I would not get your hopes up too high... I am afraid there will be no new figures as such. My understanding of WB's view is that the tooling costs would be too high to justify them commercially. What is coming are some improved paint jobs and some scenic items.
  19. M

    USMC Conversions

    First batch up at These are the Assault Engineer Squad with support weapons.