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  1. N


    Seems like Delaney has the whole underside of the docks on the take, helps if you have a bag of diamonds!! Hope this isn't just a one year series. Ray
  2. N

    Purchasing "job-Lots"

    Always an amazing transformation JB! Ray
  3. N

    Knights of the Seven Kingdoms

    These have serious possibilities!! Ray
  4. N

    Conte Roman Ship

    That is quite the model, can't imagine the engineering involved. Did the romans really put stone/block towers on there ships? seems like that would cause some serious pitch and roll in heavy seas? Ray
  5. N

    My Flat Collection

    Yup, Thats the ticket! you know I love your work JB, the knight especially but I can't help but think you missed your calling, just imagine the work you'd be doing now if you'd spent all those years perfecting your flat style??? :rolleyes: Ray
  6. N

    Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers

    WOW! what a fantastic group, just beautiful! Ray
  7. N

    Zach's Collection

    It does look cool, no doubt, but I still think he must live in a bad neighborhood
  8. N

    My Flat Collection

    trying to get back to the land that time forgot, I'll repost Scotts collection pics, nice oylefants, ancients and war machines JB! if your out there please repost your herd for comparison as well
  9. N

    Zach's Collection

    Great figures Zach, it always amazes me how they get the weave of the fabrics on there garments to show so well. I also noticed the Count having his sword chained to his shield?? is that like one of those biker things where they chain there wallets to there pants?? :p Ray
  10. N

    Welcome to the new server!!

    Serious lack of continuity, don't know what to do at this point, do you try to restore what you know is missing or just get on with it? In the end I appreciate this forum and will get over it. Thanks for providing this forum Pete, I really take what you've done for granted and sometimes it takes...
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    My Flat Collection

    Thank you JB, I knew I could count on you for sage and country advice! I have heard some of the same warnings but since this scenario did not include any sheep, I thought it would be safe. :p
  12. N


    That really is a fantastic display and great photography too, I take it you took these pics outside? the lighting is great
  13. N

    My Flat Collection

    I've been sitting on this set for a little while to try to hash out how to display it, not totally sold on this, what thinks ye? Ray
  14. N

    Zach's Collection

    Those are great figures Zach, I will check into the Penman book, I'm currently reading Conn Iggulden's series on the War of the Roses, 4 book series, just finishing the 2nd now, really well done, amazing the back and forths of English civil war between the Lancaster and York over decades and...
  15. N


    Of course I'm enjoying it, Hardy' character is pretty dark, I suspect born of an indian witch Mom, educated in African black arts and a 2 ton lump on his shoulder. But Hollywood has a way of making that all very understandable if not innocent. Love the gruby, ugly, cinematogrophy of the era. The...
  16. N

    My Flat Collection

    Put this set of Jegerski Jagers into some scenery and under glass Ray
  17. N

    More Napoleonic conversions

    Great work Tim, must be nice to "make" the figures you want! Ray
  18. N

    Blaster Collection

    Now you knew I was going to love this!! very well done, you've got skills. Ray
  19. N

    My Flat Collection

    Another couple Tannconville prints, the title is a google translate from French Ray The 20th Chassuers review for Marie-Lousie at the Kehl Bridge The Young Guard and the Vistula Legion Duke Berry reviews the National Guarde of Colmar
  20. N

    NAP0515-NAP0518 Retreat from Russia Russian Cossacks!

    Very nice Joe, pure art! Love the one with the french Helmet. Ray