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    K&C LAH099 value

    Thanks! Merry Christmas!
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    K&C LAH099 value

    Anyone know approximate US dollar value for the set (with original box). Thank you and Merry Christmas..
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    Jerry Got His (Loaded) Gun!...Fixed One of My Favorite SS Figures

    Speaking of late War Germans , I’m really hoping FL will do a “Battle of Berlin” series...
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    War Park Sneak Peak

    Are those grey tank riders officially out yet
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    War Park Sneak Peak

    They should re-issue the panzer 4 ..
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    War Park Sneak Peak

    I just got word, evidently that is a WAR PARK panzer released a while ago and retired..
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    War Park Sneak Peak

    Is that a panzer 4?
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    War Park Sneak Peak

    Hey! When First Legion released there Stalingrad range in ‘09 , the helmets and facial sculpts were pretty decent.
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    War Park Sneak Peak

    I would love to see them together with FL tank riders ..
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    First legion newsletter?

    Are they gonna make any more AFVs?
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    War Park Sneak Peak

    The Gestapho guys are a little to “Hollywood” my tastes. WP still needs to improve there facial sculpts. I would be happy if they could get to First Legion ‘09 quality. Glad to see they are doing some Reichsbahn..
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    ACE 205 plane Tail

    Makes sense. Thank you ..
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    ACE 205 plane Tail

    Does this come with a swastika decal for the tail?
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    Normandy panther

    Battle of the Bulge Panther is cool too but I missed out on that one..
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    WTB John Jenkins ACE201 German plane

    I would like to purchase item. One that is not broken. Message me if you have one for sale.
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    July Sneak Preview - Viet Cong

    Would like to see some artillery pieces and AFVs..
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    FIRST LEGION tankers NOR071

    Still looking
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    FIRST LEGION tankers NOR071

    Looking to buy Waffen SS tankers
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    VEH006 truck question

    Crap, it didn’t come with a frame..
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    VEH006 truck question

    I bought one used.. how many accessories does it come with ? Isn’t it supposed to have bars on the back?