Search results

  1. saxon lions

    What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ?

    Re: Tinplate Roland DIIa Pt 1 A few months ago I surprisingly purchased one of these with the intension of combining it with one of these to hopefully create one of these for my tinplate WWI Saxon aces collection . This is the result after many tribulations. The Roland DIIa with the Coat...
  2. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    Just like buses you wait ages for one and then two arrive at the same time.
  3. saxon lions

    Not HECO but maybe Tin Toys or possibly of German origin

    Some time ago I started a thread Not HECO but Blatch to find out more more information on the origins of a tinplate Albatros I had purchased hoping it was HECO but found out it was made by an Alf Blatch. A brief visit to the thread will reveal that the model has now been fully integrated into my...
  4. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    All great models and I think when we first conversed I related the story behind the 'Hat in the Ring' Spad
  5. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    I nearly forgot When Tony made a SPAD it really was one of his best models and this one is no different - congratulations on a great scoop
  6. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    Thanks Louis The measurements would be appreciated as was your last tip - I will email you tomorrow for more details
  7. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    HECO Plane Dimensions I am hoping that other owners of HECO planes may be able to provide me with the dimensions of two HECO models. I am looking for the length, wingspan and wing width (cord) of the Fokker Eindecker 'EIII' (not the later high wing Fokker EV / DVIII). Also could it be...
  8. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    The vagaries of collecting HECO - over the last few weeks two HECO Fokkers have appeared on E-Bay the first a EV/DVIII Monoplane attracted loads of bids and finally sold for $590 (£450), the next week an all red Triplane went on sale for $200 (£150) and did not receive a single bid. Funny how a...
  9. saxon lions

    Not HECO but A L J Blatch?

    Thank you both your appreciation of my conversion. I have to admit I completely replaced the wings with those from another cheap tin plane with wings similar in style to HECO, as the wings of the DII were much broader and squarer than those of the DIII. Ironically the changes made to the wings...
  10. saxon lions

    Not HECO but A L J Blatch?

    Although I was reasonably happy with the Blatch DIII and it was guaranteed always hold a special place in my collection as it has led indirectly to a great expansion in my HECO Saxon Aces Collection by enabling me to get in touch with Louis Badalato. Nevertheless it could not be denied that...
  11. saxon lions

    Comparison Photos of King & Country and Heco Tinplate Models 1:32 Scale Warbirds

    Re: Comparison Photos of King & Country and Heco Tinplate Models 1:32 Scale Warbirds Personally I prefer the HECO as I collect traditional gloss painted figures in the old hollow cast style and from the outset HECO were designed to fit in with these, also I never really cared for the silver...
  12. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    Buyer be Aware A HECO Sopwith Camel has appeared on Ebay. Firstly it is a Spad XIII in American colours, second apparently it has Made in Japan stamped on the bottom and third the buyer will need to repaint much of it. I am fairly sure that if Tony Williams ever visited Japan he would have...
  13. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    Two new HECO Bavarian Fighters for the Saxon Aces (2) Pfalz DXII I also managed to add the Pfalz DXII a 1918 contemporary of the famous Fokker DVII some 400 of which reached the front. I had been looking for a possible tinplate model to convert to the DXII for some time when I realized that...
  14. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    Two new HECO Bavarian Fighters for the Saxon Aces (1) I have always had a soft spot for the fighter planes produced by the Bavarian Pfalz company after reading Greg van Wyngarden's Pfalz Aces in the Osprey series, EI - IV, DIII / IIIa and DXII to say nothing of the lesser used DVIII and DrI...
  15. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models wanted

    I can see that if a Siemens Schuckert (SSW) DIII / DIV does ever turn up then Louis and I will have to play 'Paper, Scissors, Stone' with the loser being forced to take the first one. I did once see one either in Udet's red or JG II blue on the HECO table at the London Show many years ago when I...
  16. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models wanted

    I am also looking for a few HECO WWI aircraft to add to my collection of HECO models of the mounts of the Saxon Aces Fokker EIII Eindecker (for Max Immelmann) Siemens Schuckert (DIII / IV) fighter - I believe Louis is also looking for this elusive bird (although for some reason it is not on...
  17. saxon lions

    Heco Tinplate Models

    If anyone has a Heco Fokker Dr1 Triplane without a box then bizarrely there is a box for one on E-bay for $19.95 (£15.48 but don't forget the £20 postage).
  18. saxon lions

    What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ?

    Red Tinplate Monster to Halberstadt CLII - Part 2 Sorry I should have said the previous posts were 3097 and 3098.
  19. saxon lions

    What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ?

    Red Tinplate Monster to Halberstadt CLII - Part 2 In posts 897 and 898 I related that I had been foolish enough to purchase two red tinplate biplanes with a view to converting /rebuilding them as Halberstadt biplanes to fit in with my HECO collection of planes flown by Saxon aces during WWI...
  20. saxon lions

    Trophy WW1

    Re German Helmet Camouflage My understanding is that all German steel helmets were issued to the troops painted in 'field grey' which varied from blue-grey to grey-green. However, the troops were then issued with paints in which to paint their own helmets the colours depending on the natural...