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  1. T

    Pinoy Toy Soldier Blogspot

    Thanks Robin, yes I am quite happy to finally share my projects with fellow hobbyists. I have more to feature including some projects we did if you don't mind. I might take some pictures when we do our get together next Tuesday. Tony and I might be there much earlier if you don't mind. :D
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    ACW Collection Part 2

    Very nice and huge collection! I think you should start making dioramas and start posting the pictures in this forum as well! Congratulations for having such a nice collection!
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    Pinoy Toy Soldier Blogspot

    Sorry, I meant I had a lot of FUN and not FUND converting the Deetail knights. hahaha. No funds at all.
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    Pinoy Toy Soldier Blogspot

    Thanks for all the kind comments Gentlemen! I will continue posting in my blog and share some pictures in our forum as well. Yes my eldest has the talent. Sadly she doesn't want to do it anymore. She has turned her sights into playing the guitar and is now a very good guitar player. I had...
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    Pinoy Toy Soldier Blogspot

    My apologies Ivanhoe and all you nice people who tried and didn't find it. My fault. I missed a letter S. It should be Sorry guys. I hope you can find the blogspot now. Cheers! Larry
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    Pinoy Toy Soldier Blogspot

    Hello Gentlemen, I decided to create a blog so that I can share my passion for our hobby. Please check my blog - Cheers! Larry
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    Alamo Artillery

    Great paint job as usual!
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    "Remember the Alamo"

    Great paint job every time Mike!
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    Replicant/Marksmen Union camp

    Nice figs Mate! Nice clean paint job and good diorama. I think I will get myself some of these figs too. :)
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    Atlantic Egyptians

    Thanks for the kind comments guys! I too would like to see some more civilian poses / toy soldiers to complement some of our collection and enhance dioramas. I've started collecting Lemax figures which are in somewhat of between 54 to 60mm sizes. Some of them are dressed in Victorian dresses...
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    Castle Diorama Finished...sort of...

    Wow great set-up! Really impressive. I like the way you used figures from other ranges like the Life of Jesus and the Egyptians as part of the story as civilians in the time of the Crusades.
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    Atlantic Egyptians

    Thanks Dave. Yeah I like their sculpts. Unique poses and you can create some nice stories. I also have some of their greek warriors which I will paint soon as well. Their Greeks can go well with Conte and Expeditionary force once you paint them all up by my reckoning. I do hope someone...
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    WW2 Russians

    Great figs! I like your painting style Mike. Very nice shading and choice of colors. Nice fine details! :)
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    Airfix Japanese figures they made?

    Great conversions mate! Love the paint job!
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    Atlantic Egyptians

    The Egyptians finally displayed in my friend Tony's mancave with some background statues that he bought. He created a scene where the pharoah died and everyone came to see his body.
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    Atlantic Egyptians

    Some close up pics of the pharoah in his palanquin seat
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    Atlantic Egyptians

    We converted some figs to create this pharoah with his hunting party on a palanquin
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    Atlantic Egyptians

    Pharoah in his casket with a tomb guard for good measure