Search results

  1. 4th Hussar

    PVT Travis King back from N Korea in US custody

    Quick Court Martial, 6 month labor at Leavenworth, then Dishonorable Discharge, end of story.
  2. 4th Hussar

    Chicago Show (CTSS) Facts 2021

    You tend to be a bit negative but then you were an attorney
  3. 4th Hussar

    All The Queens Men AQM

    I have roughly 100 AQM British Cavalry and enjoy them very much. IMHO they are better made than the glossy Britains.
  4. 4th Hussar

    Camel Corps Troops, German Schutztruppe

    Does any US dealer sell Beau Geste figures ?
  5. 4th Hussar

    good bye,,

    OK,,,,,,,,,*** did you do this time ?{sm2}{sm2}{sm3}{sm3} ?
  6. 4th Hussar

    Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Video

    Impressive display, love the glossies !
  7. 4th Hussar

    New Turkish sets by CEM

    Where are these lovies being auctioned ?
  8. 4th Hussar

    NEW BOOK! Bruce Hebron and the Metal Shed

    Went to Blurb site and could not find this book
  9. 4th Hussar

    Some very sad news re John Staniforth AKA Johnnybach -

    Very sad, the man was an artist and will be missed. Condolences to the family.
  10. 4th Hussar

    Forum Members Age

    72 and slowing down my collecting
  11. 4th Hussar

    Re up coming zulu war figures

    Then she should close the discussion
  12. 4th Hussar

    Trade War, Tariffs and Toy Soldiers

    Hopefully this is not another nail in the hobbies' coffin.
  13. 4th Hussar

    Priller needs a B'mer!

    Love the car, not so fond of Nazis...………………………..
  14. 4th Hussar

    Had any manufacturer made the scene of the assassinatioof Archduke Francis-Ferdinand?

    Brian Harrison ran Yeomanry Miniatures but now lists himself as the Former Proprietor.
  15. 4th Hussar

    2019 West Coaster

    I am a bit confused. The Westcoaster Facebook page states that the show has been sold to Clark Vollbeck and there will be a 2020 show. Who is Clark ?^&confuse:confused:
  16. 4th Hussar

    Toy Soldier Boxes

    Hobby bunker has a bunch of new toy soldier boxes for sale for $35. Search under the title boxes:salute::
  17. 4th Hussar

    Happy Birthday Louis

    Have a good one!:salute::