Search results

  1. Fusilier

    First Legion AWI for sale

    Hello everyone. I have a few First Legion AWI figures up for sale. All are mint with original boxes. Price is $40 per figure, paypal preferred, with free shipping in the continental US. AWI061 Haslet's 1st Delaware NCO AWI062 Haslets 1st Delaware Standing Loading AWI067 Haslets 1st Delaware...
  2. Fusilier

    Arrests based on facebook posts in Britain?

    Saw this story this weekend. I realize that free speech expectations are different between the US and Britain, but I was still surprised by the fact that someone has actually been arrested over facebook posts. Apparently the posts were in response to the killing of the British soldier by...
  3. Fusilier

    First Legion AWI figures

    Guys, I have a couple of First Legion AWI figures for sale. All are mint in box. Price is $55 each, with free shipping. If someone wants all three then total would be $150 (that's $10 off the list per figure!). Send me a pm if interested. AWI029 British 5th Foot Grenadier Company Sapper...
  4. Fusilier

    AWI era Ospery titles

    Guys, I have some Colonial/Revolutionary period Osprey titles for sale. Each book is $7 or take the whole lot of 8 titles for $45. Paypal is preferred and shipping extra. Redcoat Officer 1740-1815 Warrior 42 Continental Infantryman of the American Revolution Warrior 68 American Colonial...
  5. Fusilier

    New items in stock for First Legion

    Guys, for those that are interested, First Legion has updated their site with a number of new releases. Haslet's Delawares, 3 new motorcycle combos, the US Airborne, and the first Vietnam figures are all listed as 'in stock' on FL's site. Place your orders now! The secondary dealers I checked...
  6. Fusilier

    French Line NCO questions

    I have a couple questions for the Napoleonic uniform experts. I don't have sources at home for these questions, so I thought I would ask here. Were the shakos of French Line NCOs supposed to have a red band around the top? First Legion has one NCO figure with a red band: NAP0037 and one...
  7. Fusilier

    New FIW/AWI British uniform book

    Just saw last night a new book for those who enjoy 18th-century uniforms. It is from the publisher Pen & Sword and is titled British Army Uniforms of the American Revolution, 1751-1783. Though it says American Revolution, one would have to assume the FIW is included as well, given the dates in...
  8. Fusilier

    Phone scams

    Anybody else ever get those calls where a prerecorded message says something like: "This is your credit card servicer. There are no problems currently with your card, but you are eligible for a reduced interest rate. Since you eligibility expires soon, you must hurry and contact us to take...
  9. Fusilier

    HBO 1776 series?

    Anybody heard about a potential HBO series titled 1776? I read on another forum that HBO was, or at least had been, preparing to do a TV series based on author David McCullough's book of the same name. From the info I read, some of the same producers who made John Adams were supposed to be...
  10. Fusilier

    New AWI previewed!

    Guys, if you have seen the newsletter, then you have seen the pics for the next two AWI releases. Previewed are both the next unit, the British 22nd Regiment of Foot, and the first personality figure, General Cornwallis. I think these are some excellent choices and I hope the preorder follows...
  11. Fusilier

    First Legion 5th Foot Officer

    Guys- I have a First Legion AWI021 British 5th Foot Officer with Spontoon figure for sale. It is in mint shape with the original box. Price is $45 shipped. Shoot me a pm if interested. Noah
  12. Fusilier

    K & C BR033 General Cornwallis

    Guys, I have a King & Country BR033 Mounted General Cornwallis for sale. Figure is in perfect shape, but there is no box. Pics are availible if needed. Paypal is preferred, and price is $40 shipped in the lower 48 states. Please contact me here on the board with a pm or at my e-mail...
  13. Fusilier

    Squadron and Concord books for sale

    Guys, I have a couple of softcover books I found that I don't need anymore. They are by Squadron/Signal and Concord Publications. Price is $7.00 per book, or $25.00 for all five of them and paypal is preferred. Shipping is free in the lower 48 states. Send me a pm if interested if interested...
  14. Fusilier

    Info needed on AWI postcard

    Guys, I received the following postcard from a used book dealer when I ordered a book from them. It appears to be from a series of AWI postcards, as I have found other images on the net of the same style. Has anyone seen these before and if so, where can get more of the series? Any help is...
  15. Fusilier

    What's next? Some new pics on the site....

    Guys, check out First Legion's site if you haven't in the last couple hours. There is a new Civil War preorder, which I'm sure Matt will get to here. Also, there are a couple of new pics which might give some hints as to what else is coming soon. I spy a new British soldier along the top...
  16. Fusilier

    USA Today Civil War piece quotes my father

    I hope this doesn't come off as being conceited or anything, but I linked a short article from USA Today that quotes my father. He is a history professor at a small college here in Nebraska, so it was kind of cool to see a quote, albiet a very short one, in a national newspaper. The article...
  17. Fusilier

    Crusader & DAK fans, check out the workbench

    For all the Crusader and DAK fans, there are a couple new images up on First Legion's website. Check out the workbench, which shows the full image of the first two mounted Crusaders and a walking DAK MG team. I won't post the images, as I assume Matt will do so in an announcement, but for...
  18. Fusilier

    Best Dad ever?

    Is this guy the best Dad ever or what? It's obvious safety is first in this household... I can't wait to see the patent on this! Noah
  19. Fusilier

    FL British Guard Colonel

    I have a one mounted First Legion figure for sale. It is the NAP0097 British Guard Grenadier Mounted Colonel and it comes in the original box. Price is $60, shipping included. If anyone is interested, please pm me. Noah
  20. Fusilier

    Cuirassiers preorder is up

    For those who are interested, FL has the preorder availible now on the French 5th Cuirassiers. Also, the mounted figure of French General Dorsenne is at preorder status as well. As we have already seen in some promo pics, those Cuirassiers look great charging the British Guard or Highlander...