Search results

  1. Z

    B50090C “B Company Biffer” from Anglo Zulu range - 2018 Event Figure

    Will this figure be available to club members who cannot attend the event. I think in the past it has been hit or miss whether it was exclusive to the event or not
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    Britains 24th Foot Collector Club 50050C Figure

    If anyone is interested. Still mint in box. Long sold out. Asking 39.99USD plus actual shipping. Just send me a note for the British 24th Foot attacking with Bayonet wearing glengarry cap 50050C cheers Jay
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    MK025 The Catapult Set by King and Country (RETIRED)

    Looking to sell for US$230 plus actual shipping. Box included. If no takers, I will go ahead and put up on ebay. Send a private message if interested. cheers Jay
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    Trojan Horse

    thanks so much TM Terrain for my Trojan horse.. now all I need are some Trojans. Some workshop to delivery pics.
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    Britains at the Ontario Model Soldier Society Show today

    Ken and Ericka were at the show and a few of the prototypes were on display
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    conte dday006 randezvous with destiny playset

    As collectors of late seem to be opening up their basements and garages to trim their collections. I thought I would see if anyone is interested in parting with their conte church playset. Shoot me a PM if interested... cheers jay
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    Trojan soldiers

    I am surprised none of the large matte toy soldier manufacturers picked up on this a potential opportunity especially after the movie Troy came out. I picked up a single figure ie an old delprado release for my fall of Troy diorama. Collectors could use their greeks (from K&C, First Legion and...
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    Blast from the past.............

    I was able to obtain an old britains toy soldier store display cabinet from an estate sale. It brings back memories when my dad would buy me 2 britains soldiers each week with my allowance at the now defunct cdn hobby chain called Leisure World at the Oshawa Shopping Centre. Just need to find...
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    39003 - British Camel Corps Medic

    Send me a PM if anyone is interesting in parting with one....
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    is the toy solider market in Canada dead?

    Similar to the line from Dr Zhivago that the private life in Russia is dead, is the toy market in Canada in the same boat.. With the Cdn dollar approaching a 12 year low against the greenback and only a couple years from parity; is this a death blow to collectors and dealers. This will be the...
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    How about a winter JU 52

    I think it would be an interesting piece. For all those who would want to do a good Stalingrad airfield dio either inside the kessel ie Pitomnik / Gumrak or outside ie Tatsinskaya raid....
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    How about something with respect to the Dieppe Raid

    Andy, I got the thinking no one has done operation jubilee. Considering all the lessons learned from the raid that were applied to operation overlord. Being a Canadian I am however a little biased. The raid took place on the northern coast of France on 19 August 1942. The assault began at...
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    Conte sparta vs persia series

    I am a little late to party but would like to purchase some of this line as I am starting from scratch I am open to pretty much anything of the line. Send me a PM if you are willing to part with any of this series or can direct me to a reseller with old stock...
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    Maybe Night of the Generals in honour of Omar Sharif

    Always thought it was an under-rated movie with the backdrop of WW2.
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    Conte galley

    I finally picked up a conte painted figures roman galley. A couple things surprised me. The painted resin galley slaves are detailed with lash marks on their backs. In addition the admiral, wine providing slave plus the tower spotter are metal. The rowers are a nice touch, I know conte planned...
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    Lion of the Desert - a good preWW2 picture on itunes

    Lion of the Desert is a 1981 Libyan historical action film starring Anthony Quinn as Libyan tribal leader Omar Mukhtar, a Bedouin leader fighting the Italian army in the years leading up to World War II and Oliver Reed as Italian General Rodolfo Graziani, who attempted to defeat Mukhtar. It was...
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    The Battle of Neretva and Sutjeska

    Two of my fav ww2 movies... 1/8 yugoslavians died in ww2. Both can be seen on you tube. Nevetra is English dubbed and not a the extended version shown in Europe and Sutjeska which is subtitled in English.
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    Why no FFL

    I am curious has Andy every said why they did not make any more FFL figures.. I just got this little guy today and it is very well done... it seems to fit all the K&C boxes: Global appeal: check Limited matte competition: check Several movies on the topic: check Interesting stories to be told...
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    OMSS Toy Soldier Show at Fort York

    It was sunny for a change after several years of rain. It was held in the new visitor centre as opposed to the barracks this year. As usual the exhibits were the standout as they typically over shadow the vendors. Just some pics from the exhibits
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    I did not know that figarti and areoart collaberated

    I just got my figures the other day ...and I noticed on the box that the two TS companies worked together on this one