Hey Guys, hope everyone is doing well as the weather warms up a bit in anticipation for Spring.
What started out as an Afrikakorps Airfield and a plan to swap out the Germans for either British 8th or a few dust covered Americans, I quickly realized that I just didn't have the troops for an...
More downtime for the Luftwaffe...
When a silver aeroplane flies over, it’s American. When there’s a green plane, it’s British. When there are no aircraft, that’s the Luftwaffe.
While the remaining Bandidos headed west Along the River and the townsfolk of Rusty Spoons flourished, trouble was again brewing in another part of the country.
After a long and bloody gun fight between Calvera's Banditos and the Hired Guns, a few of the Banditos left standing fled Rusty Spoons vowing to return to Mexican Territory. They followed the river heading west.
While Deputy Buck kept Calvera's men busy with his Delay Tactic, seven gunfighters arrived to town as planned. There was soon to be a shootout in the little town of Rusty Spoons.
It did not take long for Calvera and his band of banditos to figure out, What is a Rusty Spoons? Deputy Sheriff Buck helped explain in an attempt to stall them while hired guns were soon to arrive.
Finished the interior Christmas decor yesterday but didn't have the heart to take down my K&C Wild West diorama. Well, looks like Mrs. Claus is going to have to live with it for a while longer with the potential for some new additions under the tree this season. 🎅
Happy Holidays All!
My K&C Afrikakorps have finally obtained TG's Lost Ark, an exquisite piece I might add. Soon to be crated and loaded upon their Opel Blitz en route to a German U-boat; along with other golden treasures, a cameraman snaps a few quick pictures of the discovery.
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