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  1. Deitz

    My 1st Napoleonic Set

    I have set #9.
  2. Deitz

    Things that annoy me

    Tom, I know how you feel. I live in the great state of Illinois and in Cook County (need I say more.)
  3. Deitz

    My 1st Napoleonic Set

    This is my 1st Napoleonic set. I am very pleased with it. Now I need to find a place to display it. Brian
  4. Deitz

    Changes coming to ebay UK first, including to start charging buyers fee next year.

    The tax in Illinois is 10% and it is something I considered when buying on ebay. I hope the buyer's fee does not come to the USA.
  5. Deitz

    News Update July 29th, 2024 - Siege of Malta

    Hopefully some walls are in the planning stage.
  6. Deitz

    Things that annoy me

    Pat Sajak went to the same High School (Farragut High School in Chicago) that my mother went to and the one I would have gone to if did not go to a private Catholic High School. Other graduates of Farragut Kim Novak (same class as my mom) and Kevin Garnett.
  7. Deitz

    New Releases for February 2024 - The Crusades

    Since they were fighting behind a wall, parapet, or barricade the base should not have grass on it. Although the grass can be removed.
  8. Deitz

    The Great Siege of Malta

    Yes it is the Ernle Bradford translation
  9. Deitz

    New Releases for January 2024 - The Crusades

    Hopefully the new defenders will not have grass on their bases. Most of the fighting and defending took place behind fixed fortifications. I will buy them either way. Brian
  10. Deitz

    New Releases for January 2024 - The Crusades

    I hope walls and siege equipment will follow and I hope you are not correct on the popularity of this range.
  11. Deitz

    The Great Siege of Malta

    In one of the books I read, it stated that crossbows were used toward the end when ammunition was running short and the rain was making the ammunition damp. Additional books that I have read: Empires of the Seas - Roger Crowley The Great Siege of Malta - Bruce Ware Allen The Siege of Malta...
  12. Deitz

    The Great Siege of Malta

    Fort St Elmo would be a great addition. The Spanish Conquistadors fit the time frame. In the book The Great Sige of Malta by Ernle Bradford he described the Spanish contingent sent by the King Spain looking like conquistadors.
  13. Deitz

    The Great Siege of Malta

    I just received the Malt 01, 02, 10 and 11 figures, and they are great figures. I am looking forward to the future releases. I also picked up CQ-17 Spanish Conquistador Pikemen. They will fit in quite well as the Spanish troops that helped defend Malta. I have also compared them to the First...
  14. Deitz

    Trophy WW1

    Additional Turkish figures have been listed on EBAY. Two camel figures and two more lancers.
  15. Deitz

    Trophy WW1

    Greg, The lances look different, your lances are solid red and not half red and half white.
  16. Deitz

    News Update February 20th, 2023 - Siege of Malta

    I really enjoyed this book, it provides a great overview on the Great Siege of Malta,
  17. Deitz

    Happy Birthday Mike (Mestell)

    Happy Birthday Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Deitz

    Kolchak the Night Stalker

    I loved this show as a kid. When I was working I would pass the news building ( The Old Colony Building) everyday going to work. My buddies and I would also try to find the Chicago street scenes.
  19. Deitz

    Things that annoy me

    A few reasons and there are many more. 1. To many people vote straight ticket 2. Biased news 3. Only the politicians that can be bought receive the most campaign contributions from the big corporations.
  20. Deitz

    Siege of Acre (and need new recruits)

    Maybe one day.