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  1. DCN1898

    NAP0427-NAP0434 Saxon Guard du Corps!!!

    Most awesome! I have waited for these for a long time. Thank you Matt.
  2. DCN1898

    As resquested, my Tinbay Collection

    I have a couple of Tinbay figures and they are a bit lager than FL. Tinbay does have some very nice, not too common figures though. They give you some nice options for display. The figures also aren't quite as "gritty" as First Legion. They are painted closer to the style of King and Country, I...
  3. DCN1898

    New French. guard horse arty

    I received my gun and two crew members today. Beautiful figures as is standard with First Legion.
  4. DCN1898

    Question about Spanish soldiers

    I would buy Spanish Napoleonic era soldiers. Their uniforms were outstanding. Also Spanish American War would personally awesome. Rough Riders would have to be done, but with Marines, Buffalo Soldiers, Gatling Guns, Spanish Regiments and Guerrillas (both Cuban and Philippine) would be great to see.
  5. DCN1898

    NAP0392-0400 British Royal Horse Guards Extremely Short Pre-Order!!!

    I think that I will get two. The Officer and another. Not knowing too awful much about Waterloo, I am sorry that there is no Flag Bearer again for the Brits, But if that is historically accurate, then I am OK with it and I will see my annalist in the morning.
  6. DCN1898

    2013 what you hope to see

    I would still like to see French 3rd and/or 7th Hussars and now that the French Guard Horse Artillery is near, The British Mounted Artillery would be welcome as well. A British "County Regiment" would be great also. Maybe the 33rd, the Duke of Wellington's original regiment, or one with yellow...
  7. DCN1898

    NAP0365-366 Prussian Personalites - Blucher and Gneisenau Pre-Order!!

    I would like to see a county regiment myself!
  8. DCN1898

    The Greek Hoplites are Coming!

    I see a new line to collect. I can't resist the Greek Hoplites. Ever since I saw the 300 Spartans as a kid, I have loves the era. Thank you Matt!
  9. DCN1898

    ACW063-ACW069 Union Civil War Artillery Pre-Order!!!

    They are fairly accurate, but there are a few quirky things that aren't historically correct. I have read quite a bit about the Civil War and Reenacted the Civil War for a long time. I have done a lot of research to get uniform and drill details right.(Particularly into the Army of the Potomac.)...
  10. DCN1898

    ACW063-ACW069 Union Civil War Artillery Pre-Order!!!

    Whenever the Iron Brigade Arrives, I would be interested to see them. Not too many people have done the 14th Brooklyn. First legion could do an awesome job.
  11. DCN1898

    British Royal Horse Guards at Waterloo

    I am really happy to see the Blues on the horizon!. Beautiful looking set.
  12. DCN1898

    ACW063-ACW069 Union Civil War Artillery Pre-Order!!!

    From my research, The trousers were issued with stripes. There are images of plains indians receiving Civil War surplus trousers and some had stripes. There were also times when orders went out to the troops to wear their chevrons. I think that may be a bit of stepping into someone respected...
  13. DCN1898

    ACW063-ACW069 Union Civil War Artillery Pre-Order!!!

    I have to state here at the beginning, that I collect the Napoleonic range, and haven't jumped into the Civil War series yet. But I just don't like The Civil War Series' lack of historical accuracy. The Officer shouldn't have a stripe down his trousers but a welt (thin piping) down the seam...
  14. DCN1898

    Napoleonic Paintings You Would Like to Represent

    I will second this wish list also. We need German Cavalry and Artillery!
  15. DCN1898

    2013 what you hope to see

    For myself, French Dragoons and/or Hussars Bavarian, Prussian or Austrian Artillery German Cavalry (Uhlans or Saxon Heavy Cavalry.) Prussian Cavalry
  16. DCN1898

    Who's getting the new FL Naps?

    I think that I will get a couple
  17. DCN1898

    Check the banner Fellas looks like "Vietnam" is coming our way!!!!

    Elements of the 25th (As with every other infantry unit in Vietnam) was transported by helicopter for operations. An ACAV and/or M-48 would be great, but I think that an M-42 Duster is an underrepresented piece of armor. I am excited about this range.
  18. DCN1898

    Check the banner Fellas looks like "Vietnam" is coming our way!!!!

    The RTO looks like "From a distance" as being with the 25th Division (Electric Grapes). That would make the area of operations in the Iron Triangle are of South Vietnam. My father was in the 25th Division when they deployed to Vietnam from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. He was stationed in Cu Chi...
  19. DCN1898

    Napoleon retreats from Smolensk - 1812 - November 14th

    Awesome diorama! We should have some Cossacks in the picture. Since we have General Orlov-Denisov already, he can lead the troops. We need more cavalry to make their appearance.
  20. DCN1898

    Napoleon marched to the cannon ...... soldiers to drum ...

    Awesome set up! You are missing the Prussian! Happy Birthday!