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  1. M

    Expeditionary Force WWII Preview photos

    Appear to be chunky sculpting
  2. M

    Help on identifying these 60mm pirates?

    I believe they are Cane. Checkout Kent sprechers website @ toysoldiershq.
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    unknown maker of ACW Rebs

    I've always wondered about the officer with sword pose shown behind the flag barer pose. His hat always has a divot in the front middle. Is that just a always present mold flaw or was it by design?
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    Airfix 2019

    I am guessing these are polystyrene glueable models as opposed to the poly plastic like their hanamog, Cromwell, and Pkw IV?
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    AIP announces new boxes and set titles with figures that seem to be altered

    I went on AIP website and sadly it appears three of the WWI sets are the 5402 stahlhelm WWI Germans in three "new" colors :(
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    AIP announces new boxes and set titles with figures that seem to be altered

    I talked to Tony recently and I asked him about WWI Ottomans. He said he had the sculpts already completed as well as WWI Austro Hungarians and WWI Anzacs for Gallipoli. One can hope. I certainly am. Artillery would also be greatly appreciated.
  7. M

    Mexican Bandit's 1/32 scale

    I use both Reisler and Weston. Email me at and will shoot a comparison photo for you. I have been unable to convert my photos to a size format to be able to be uploaded to this site and gave up a long time ago.
  8. M

    Noticed there are 2 versions of AIP WW1 US Marines/Doughboys

    I talked to Tony of AIP. He said the current AIP marines and doughboys are identical poses. The first version of doughboys done in 1997/8 were of the softer plastic. The difficulty with keeping the guns and bayonets firm caused them to switch to a different plastic for maintaining shape...
  9. M

    Noticed there are 2 versions of AIP WW1 US Marines/Doughboys

    I think there are two sets, one for doughboys and one for marines at bellau woods. so 16 distinct poses.
  10. M

    giant wwii plastic soldiers

    I thought Marx should have made 54mm copies of the six inch Japanese standing firing and lunging with bayonet poses. They were definitely needed. The knights needed to be made in 54mm too.
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    Rat Patrol Playset

    I would not be able to get the 1/32 tanks in the box too. I do have all the FOV and 21st vehicles for this range including trucks. I am anticipating the release of the Timmee trucks. I asked for tan to put German iron crosses on for Desert or they could double as British trucks.
  12. M

    Comparison of New Paragon Sioux with TSSD

    Are the rifles for Paragon still on the small side or is it the type of rifle?
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    Rat Patrol Playset

    I thought of using CTS desert oasis and adding a couple barzso TSSD CTS Alamo/Mexican buildings. I plan to make a Sahara playset with the desert oasis and a Lee Tank. I watched the James Belushi version before I Knew of the Bogart version. Any thoughts do I need to add and Conte/AIP Arabs?
  14. M

    Rat Patrol Playset

    The jeeps are “gate” brand I think. The box says 1/32. The figures sit well in them. And work. I’ll send you photos Gary. How are you doing? My combat set will be the next one. Working on the box now.
  15. M

    Yorktown playlet character figures

    I always thought Ron's initial ARW figures from Lexington Green were a robust 57mm size?
  16. M

    Rat Patrol Playset

    Understand. My computer is my iPhone. Administratively, too involved and time consuming. Oh well. Send me an email and I will email the photos to anyone requesting.
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    Rat Patrol Playset

    I keep getting upload errors when I attach my photos. Any thoughts? How do I upload? I took pictures with my iPhone. Then I go to attachments and choose file, then upload, and I get upload error.
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    Rat Patrol Playset

    Yes, I want trucks, but don't know of ones to include. My vehicle scale is 1/38, (CTS) and I know of no trucks except Timmee. Hopefully, when they fix the mold and re release the truck, it will be released in both tan and green. MPC trucks from the reissue Battleground would work as a stop gap...
  19. M

    Rat Patrol Playset

    I have made a Rat Patrol Playset with box. Any suggestions for the contents are welcome. Should there be British soldiers or not. Thought about a building or two also. Contents thus far include: 28 Airfix DAK 28 Airfix German infantry in matching tan 30 Matchbox DAK 10 Revell DAK CTS: 2 Panzer...
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    Engineer Basevich

    Steve, do you have the Russian partisan set? thanks Eddie