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  1. G

    54mm American Revolution Generals Toysoldiers

    She who dies with the MOST Generals Wins!--LOL;)
  2. G

    54mm American Revolution Generals Toysoldiers

    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]:D[I'm LOOKING for Generals from the American Revolution,I've got General Washington from Conte & some other American General that was not titled & a Hessian General from King & Country/FONT] I Play with the Rules from "All the Kings Men" there 54mm figs. IF you not Familar...
  3. G

    American Revolutiom Toysoldiers

    I'm Looking for General Cornwallis Mounted on horseback by Conte Collectables or Tarkington--Please contact me thru my email if you have either to sell...:D ( ) Thanks GAP