Search results

  1. padow15

    John Jenkins Hessian Jager Corps

    Looking for John Jenkins Hessian Jager Corps Battle of Saratoga sets.
  2. padow15

    Little Legion Royal Arab Legion

    Hello, does anyone have any Little legion Royal Arab figures they would be willing to sell? Thanks, Patrick.
  3. padow15

    First Legion AWI

    Looking for First Legion American War for Independence figures
  4. padow15

    First Legion AWI004

    Looking for First Legion American war of independence figures. Particularly figure AWI004
  5. padow15

    First Legion AWI

    Appreciate it, thank you
  6. padow15

    First Legion AWI

    Seeking First Legion American war for independence.
  7. padow15

    Victorian Civilian type figures

    Im looking for Victorian era civilian figures. Anyone know of any companies out there selling figures like this? the ideal figures would be Sarum's "La Belle Epoque" series, however they seem to have gone out of business.
  8. padow15

    King and Country Edinburgh Castle

    Hello all, Im interested in purchasing the Edinburgh Castle facade by King and Country. Is there anyone selling this?
  9. padow15

    Heritage Miniatures? Still around?

    Hi John, been on that webpage. Sent them a message and received no reply.
  10. padow15

    Heritage Miniatures? Still around?

    Recently discovered the Zulu range from Heritage Miniatures. Sent a message on the website and received no response. Are they still around? If not, does anyone know where I could buy some? Thanks, Patrick
  11. padow15

    Conte Zulu War

    Conte Zulu war sets wanted! Looking for the heroes of the drift set in particular.
  12. padow15

    Looking for Trophy, Anglo Zulu War figures.

    As the title says, I'm seeking Anglo Zulu war figures by Trophy Miniatures. If you have any to sell shoot me a message and hopefully we'll work something out!
  13. padow15

    S&S miniatures

    I had sent them an email about a year ago but heard nothing back. I'll give it another shot.
  14. padow15

    S&S miniatures

    Was that recent? I sent them an email about a year ago and heard nothing back. I assumed they no longer had the figure and didn't understand what I was talking about.
  15. padow15

    S&S miniatures

    Yeah Asset is where I buy most my figures nowadays, they do a terrific job. However I can't see anywhere in the catalog that mentions figures with capes, ill send her an email anyway and see if she can put something together. The foot guards do wear them during the summer months to protect there...
  16. padow15

    S&S miniatures

    Looking for S&S miniatures. Interested in Victorian or ceremonial figures. I once saw this figure that I believe was from S&S, it was a welsh guard I believe? Marching with a cape on. Can't find any information about this figure anywhere. Would greatly appreciate some help with finding one.
  17. padow15


    Any news with Sarum? I see the website is back up, but I'm not able to purchase anything?
  18. padow15

    Looking for Ceremonial figures

    Hi I'm looking for British ceremonial figures. Looking for figures/sets made by Asset, Ducal, Dorset, Marlborough, Sarum. I'm Also looking for any Victorian civilian figures. Get in touch with me if you have anything related to these.
  19. padow15

    For Sale: Asset Miniatures and Alexanders Toy Soldiers sets

    Hi there! I know it's 4 years later but I just came across your ad. Taking a chance here but do you have any of these sets left? Thanks