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  1. WesternOutlaw

    More War Park Deutsches Afrikakorps/DAK Tanks

    Hey Tman, Both tanks and figures look awesome as you've displayed. The War Park Panzer is excellent. Could be an actual (historic) desert scene. I esp. like the figure pouring water.
  2. WesternOutlaw

    Rat Patrol Outpost

  3. DO02.jpg


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  5. WesternOutlaw

    Cooling Things Down

  6. WesternOutlaw

    Vietnam Rocks

    Always liked this one as well: Great soundtrack!
  7. WesternOutlaw

    Vietnam Rocks

    Great picks, Andy. I esp. like Creedence. Went to a John Fogerty concert a few years back. He can stilll rock!
  8. WesternOutlaw

    Ice Road Repairs

  9. WH01.jpg


  10. WesternOutlaw

    Still Proud of Her!

    A lesson in patriotism... Happy 4th Everyone!
  11. ID01.jpg


  12. WesternOutlaw

    King & Country Dispatches -- July 2024

    Been patiently waiting for the release of the Chuck Wagon since first hearing about it. Thanks Andy! PS. Really nice job on the Hueys as well.
  13. WesternOutlaw

    Stardate 4523.2

    Hey Guys, Not exactly "toy soldiers" in the traditional sense but I know that a few have posted dioramas with some Playmobil (PM) in the past. I had to break down and get the PM Star Trek Enterprise which is one big model/ship. It has an impressive bridge featuring Star Trek's traditional cast...
  14. Ent4.jpg


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  18. WesternOutlaw

    Preflight Briefing… Prepping a Henschel HS-132 for its Next Mission

    You're most welcome. I'm not much of a WWII aircraft historian but good thing the Germans never got these mass produced. As the saying goes, "too little too late". From an engineering perspective; however, they were certainly impressive aircraft and I'm sure they paved the way for future designs.
  19. WesternOutlaw

    JESUS HANK..............................

    Stunning, Wayne. Great settings for Cookie and the ranch hands. Rusty Spoons is somewhere over those mountains.
  20. WesternOutlaw

    Preflight Briefing… Prepping a Henschel HS-132 for its Next Mission

    Nice piece, Tman. Great addition to your collection.