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  1. D

    Need some help identifying 30MM Lead Soldiers

    Need some help trying to identify these different lot of 30MM lead toy soldiers. Any information would be appreciated. I've provided some pics below for each group. 1. Infranty ? 2. Infrantry ? 3. Artillary ? 4. Horseman ? 5. Horseman ?
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    New help identifying Toy Soldier lot army

    The size of the figures are 30MM and I've included a few more pics below. Thanks again for any assistance. Check my blog for some dioramas and hand painted soldiers I've done.
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    New help identifying Toy Soldier lot army

    I picked up a lot of about 200 hand painted lead soldiers over the weekend. About 75 of them I can't seem to identify what army and country they are from. I've attached some pics and any help would be greatly appreciated. Dlites