Search results

  1. K

    Memphis Belle

    Thanks for the info
  2. K

    Memphis Belle

    Anyone know what the Figarti Memphis Belle sells for these days.
  3. K

    King & Country SF01 and SF03 for sale

    I have K&C SF-01 Humvee, crew and captured Taliban for sale - $150. no box. in great condition and K&C SF-03 Freedom Fighters, also with no box and in great condition. $100. send me a PM if interested.
  4. K

    BUSSLER ACW 54mm Horses Reins

    I am looking for a number of 54mm Bussler cavalry reins. as many as I can get. thanks
  5. K

    The USMC stretcher set

    This photo I put here was published in a local newspaper in New Orleans. according to family legend, the kneeling Marine was identified by my aunt as her brother, my late father Joe Bernard at Saipan. notice the similarities? pretty **** awesome to me. Now Andy, not to be pushy, :rolleyes...
  6. K

    Collector showcase boxed sets for sale

    CS00459 SHERMAN NORMANDY $200 CS00465 SHERMAN RE-LOADERS $85 CS00238 PzKpWI NORMANDY $185 CS00434z PzKpW iv Ausf G $150 CS00383 M8 STUART $200 CS00440 WINTER JUMPERS $65 CS00437 WINTER TANK RIDERS $90 please send private message. thanks
  7. K

    The Hateful Eight

    anything with Tarantino and jackson, you can expect a large use of the dreaded "N" word. thanks for the info. I won't go see it now
  8. K


    "Women...ya can't live with 'em, and ya can't make catfood out of them either"
  9. K

    COLLECTOR SHOWCASE boxed sets for sale

    WW2 sets - CS00238 - PzKpfw I Tank CS00465 - Sherman Re-loaders CS00459 Sherman - Normandy CS00434Z - PzKfw IV Ausf G CS00383 - M8 Stuart CS00440 Winter Jumpers CS00346 Peiper and Adjutant CS00318 AB43 Armoured Car CS00437 Winter Tank Riders CS00299 SS Assault team
  10. K

    King & country boxed sets for sale

    selling of several K&C boxed sets - SF01 - Special forces; TRW009 - Mexican war trooper; DD068 - Ambulance Jeep; NA097 and NA098, WS107, FOB04 & 016, USMC001/2/3/5/7/9
  11. K

    COLLECTOR SHOWCASE boxed sets for sale

    I have a number of Collector Showcase boxed sets for sale - over half are ACW era, others include WW2 figures and vehicles and a few Napoleonic sets available. All serious inquiries please send me a personal message
  12. K

    Republic Miniatures Texian Alamo Defenders

    I have a number of Republic Texians - 54mm metal Alamo defenders for sale $12.50 each. i cannot download the picture. anyone interested send me a message. i will forward it to your email address
  13. K

    What are your WWII dreams?

    Pacific Theater banzai attack with defending Marines and hand to hand combat poses
  14. K

    Collector showcase wheat's tigers

    one set each of Wheat's Tigers for sale. no box. all in excellent condition. $25 each
  15. K

    BEAU GESTE ACW Wheat's LA Tigers

    I have a good number of the out of production Wheat's Tigers for sale. no box. all in excellent condition
  16. K

    LA Wheat's Tigers

    thanks for the info!!
  17. K

    LA Wheat's Tigers

    I am looking for the Beau Geste American Civil War sets of Wheat's Tigers. Are these still in production and collectible? thanks
  18. K


    I will let you know if there are any, thanks
  19. K


    many original Johillco metal figures for sale, all in excellent condition. I can provide photos and prices if anyone is interested