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  1. P

    King & Country Dispatches - August 2024

    Love the directions of the romans . The Lictors look very impressive. As mentioned the Roundals on the Italian aircraft of the second world war three rods and the axe of the fasces. the Lictors would execute the magistrates ruling, if you were lucky you got off with a beating with a...
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    The Bridge

    Andy Thank you again mate . Appreciate the sentiments . Damian
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    The Bridge

    Gentleman Thank you again for comment s really appreciate it I will be posting more of Howards Dioramas . Also I mentioned to Andy that I was working on the Anne Jones inn .I will post progress on the glenrowan project Damian
  4. P

    Roman Town

    This is my current diorama it is the start of a roman town market place . The roman civilians are great range . I have Andy's greys on the Diorama . the new K&C grey butcher s are in the butcher shop next to the bakery. I am continuing new building I have started the Temple and the triumph...
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    The Bridge

    The bridge is another diorama I finished this year . It was an old dio that I fixed for Howard then he wanted me to extend it is over two metres wide . The tunnels came about as the height of the diorama would leave a lot of blank space .I suggested we could make tunnels in the dead...
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    Good day Howard Woods has asked me to post photographs of the dioramas I have done for him . Andy;s recent visit he has also asked me to post as he wants to make a copy . So this is the first photograph. originally it was fo rteh Asutralians Vietnam . Howard has placed the Kokoda...
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    Off To Visit The Wild Colonial Boys

    Andy great to see Edward Kelly and the boys at Glenrowan . If you are thinking of creating? the Traps wore civilian clothes so as not raise the attention of the bushrangers. I personally love the idea but I do not know if it will have legs due Kelly mainly being a Victorian problem. He...
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    Casualty Evacuation

    Get some .
  9. P

    Roman Legate.

    Howard "You Lucky ,lucky , Bast$%#"! What is the building made EXP foam or is it cast in resin ? Great piece. Damian
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    ‘Long Tan Rescue’ & Preview

    Andy you little ripper , Do you have a release date on the gun truck as well ? Damian
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    ‘Long Tan Rescue’ & Preview

    Fabien You are preaching to choir here mate . The M48A3 would be a great addition . I have mentioned it previously to Andy but he has had reservations due to other companies releasing the vehicle . Damian
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    Scott of the Antarctic

    Andy could look at the Ice men Cpt Falcon Scott Ernest Shackleton Douglas Mawson Some bloody bloke from Norway (Roald Amundsen) English Man hauling Norwegian using dogs. problem they would be a one off sale for K&C and limited run not a legion of Romans. But a great idea. I would...
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    North of the Wall

    Steve I started building a diorama on the Limes Germanicus , Steve you beat me to it , this is a little ripper . Thank you again for the inspirational work . Damian
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    Charlie learns to Surf !

    "It's Charlies Point . Charlie don't surf Obivious Bill Kilgore was wrong a little ripper thank you Parksie
  15. P

    Sikorsky H-34’s & Westland Wessex

    Andy is the H34 Sea horse resin or timber ? "Get Some " Damian
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    T For Two

    Andy bloody ripper .   PT76  would also be great .   But what is missing is the US supplied Armour   M41 , M48A3  M109 . I have been nagging on the M48  for a couple of years  now . Howard after ten years got his Cent I reckon I can nag for ten...
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    Best show since Bob Hope and Ann Margaret

    Steve who's M48 ? or is it an M60 Nichimo 1/30 ? ( I have been asking Andy but he will not do one due to two being released previously by his competitors ) I want to paint red rats on the side and have a mine roller thank you Damian
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    New Vietnam Fire Support Base

    Gentlemen and Howard. Thank you for the kind words . Howard is a great bloke to build for . We brain storm the idea first . then I have full carte blanche . I will suggest ideas and run them past Howard as he is a most agreeable chap. Couple of questions on How it was made ? Basic run...
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    Varus, Varus, give me back my legions!

    In northwestern Germany, in Kalkriese, an amazing find was discovered - a fragmented Roman armor (lorica segmentata), which belonged to a legionnaire from one of the three legions that were defeated by the barbarians in 9 CE in Teutoburg Forest. Damian
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    Sweep & Search

    Andy it is a bloody ripper . The 2CV Citroen where did you get it ? Damian