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  1. S

    WTB First Legion Polish Winged Husssar

    Rosslyn. Getting ready to move to Springfield. I lived in Westover years ago on 13th St.
  2. S

    WTB First Legion Polish Winged Husssar

    Thank you! I emailed him. He hasn't, and he doesn't. I checked with all of the usual suspects here in the US and Canada, and no one has it. It's OOP on First Legion's site as well.
  3. S

    WTB First Legion Polish Winged Husssar

    Hello, Subject says it. Looking for First Legion's TYW007 - Polish Winged Hussar Charging with Lance. Should have picked it up last time I saw it. Let me know if you have one for sale and we'll go from there. Thanks, Scott Washington, DC