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  1. tmanthegreat

    Beginning of the End

    Absolutely fantastic display, Rob! I really like it - the drama, the ruins, everything. Are the ruins H&A products? They look really good.
  2. tmanthegreat

    LWG038 German SdKfz 184 Elephant Tank Destroyer

    To paraphrase Wayne, this will indeed be a tough decision… The Ferdinand was such an iconic armored vehicle for the battle of Kursk. I’ve got the Elefant variant on order and can’t wait to see it in person.
  3. tmanthegreat

    Bunker assault clean-up

    What an awesome scene, Mike! Perfect terrain as well 😎
  4. tmanthegreat

    Ukrainian Soldiers

    Those Ukrainian figures look fantastic, GI Jigsaw! I think this is the first time anyone has posted pics of the actual figures, and done so with them in a good diorama to boot. I’m even more tempted to get a set of these figures now. Thanks again for sharing!
  5. tmanthegreat


    Great scene Mike! You were certainly on your game 14 years ago with your diorama… Much as you are now 😎
  6. tmanthegreat

    Roland C.IIA Article and Review

    Nice job on the Roland article, Corey! It was well researched and very informative.
  7. tmanthegreat

    Tariffs - The Elephant in the Room

    I’m not looking forward to higher costs on already expensive items. Tariffs will restrict my purchasing power even more, making it more likely that I’ll just get specific figures instead of the whole series or just a specific paint scheme for armored vehicles. That said, I hope First Legion and...
  8. tmanthegreat

    Hide & Seek in the Hedgerows

    Many thanks FirstLegion/Matt! Greatly appreciate the update direct from the source and look forward to getting a replacement Hetzer.
  9. tmanthegreat

    War Park New Release in February - The US Army 101st Airborne

    These figures look great! Glad to see War Park finally do some US/Allied figures. I’ve ordered my trio.
  10. tmanthegreat

    Germans in Normandy

    Great pics and beautiful setup, Mike!
  11. tmanthegreat

    Hide & Seek in the Hedgerows

    Great pics and a beautiful setup, Mike! Those W. Britain figures match well with the FL Hetzer and as Heer Grenadiers, are the perfect fit. But I have to say I’m jealous, lol. My busted Hetzer has been sitting in its box in my garage for nearly a month now. According to my (our) dealer, FL is...
  12. tmanthegreat

    Head of Nefertiti

    Great scene, Rob! I love “Germans taking relics” theme and your background blends seamlessly with you base and the scene. Great work!
  13. tmanthegreat

    Advancing Matilda

    A British Matilda II tank accompanied by some charging infantry overrun a German position somewhere in North Africa, circa 1941. The tank and figures are obviously all Thomas Gunn products. The palm trees, crates, and fuel barrels are from Last Post Miniatures while the base is a modified...
  14. tmanthegreat


    Beautiful vehicle! I had to place an order after seeing these pics 😎
  15. tmanthegreat

    Foy, Belgium December 1944

    Fantastic diorama and we’ll done! I really love the church building and the scenery 😎
  16. tmanthegreat


    That DAK Panzer III certainly blends well with your natural backdrop 😎
  17. tmanthegreat


    I found another picture Wayne posted on Facebook (and which is also in the original email sent out by Thomas Gunn). The sitting figure is the SS061B figure as one can barely make out the bomb it’s sitting on in the picture, just to the right of the box the bratwurst lady is sitting on. Rob, you...
  18. tmanthegreat


    Nice observation, Rob! At first glance, that seated figure between the two women looks like the old SS061B figure, of which I’ve got several in my collection: However, in the TGM pic, I don’t see the bomb and the base looks different with the containers in front of the figure…
  19. tmanthegreat

    Afrikakorps Airfield

    Awesome display, Rob! The TGM desert and the hard standing display mats blend together quite well in your diorama!
  20. tmanthegreat

    Somewhere in Russia.....

    Mark, I’ll have to look into finding some sage wood (or something similar) for use for winter trees myself. I’ve used broken twigs for “war torn” trees in some of my dioramas. But the sage wood looks perfect in your scene!