Also a big fan of the movie! What a great collection you have, Tom!
I recently took a 1/30 remote control Sherman and converted it into my own Oddball tank!
Thanks so much, Ken! I’ll attempt at removing the figures from their bases as time permits this winter.
I’ll touch base with shortly on that Sherman reference guide you mentioned to me in Chicago.
Hey all!
Finally finished my Little Round Top pedestal base.
Although I’m mainly a WW2 collector, who doesn’t love the 20th Maine!!!:D
All that’s needed is to find a few more figures to complete the scene. I may detach them from the base and permanently attach them to the pedestal.
A big...
Thought I’d post a few pics of a WWI lorry I’ve been working on.
The original vehicle was a 1/30 scale ERTL piggy bank. Some chopping, sanding, and a few bits of balsa and styrene and the lorry is now ready to move some weary mud crunchers to the front.
Hi Guys!
Thought I'd post some photos of a 1/30 remote controlled Sherman I've been working on the past year as a way to teach myself the basics of painting/detailing AFV and for complimenting some K&C GI tankers in my collection.
I still have a few more details to add but I'm pretty pleased...
Hi Guys!
Thank you for all the generous and kind comments. Still a novice in comparison to the fantastic work that so many create including Ken and Erika Osen, and the late Gordon Neilson. I know our hobby is shrinking, but is there any interest for seeing scenics like the bunker being sold on...
"A squad of G.I.'s from the 16th RCT assault a bunker overlooking the bluffs at Omaha Beach."
The bunker and scene is inspired by the assault on the bunker during the Omaha Beach sequence in Saving Private Ryan. I've always found that scene visually stunning.
I carved the bunker from pink...
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