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  1. Russell

    Merry Christmas

    Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season.
  2. Russell

    Welcome Back!! The Forum has a new look!

    Hi Pete, Why did you change the platform? This might have already been answered but I haven't seen it. I did notice that we were down.
  3. Russell

    Merry Christmas from the Frog

    Merry Christmas and thank you. :)
  4. Russell

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas, Happy Winter Solstice, and Happy Hanukkah to you all. May you and those you love be well. Cheers.
  5. Russell

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you south of the Great (soon to be) White North. :):):)
  6. Russell

    November 11th

    We elect governments and these governments tell our soldiers what to do. Often I'm uncomfortable with what we ask these young men to do. I have total respect with the fact that these young men follow the orders, believing, hoping that it is for the good. Today I witnessed the remembrance for...
  7. Russell

    Favorite quotes

    Mike and Spitfrnd, Thank you for making me laugh with Dan, GW and Yogi. This one isn't so funny. From Upton Sinclair,
  8. Russell

    Favorite quotes

    I liked this one from Spitfrnd.
  9. Russell

    Favorite quotes

    from Emerson Fame is proof that people are gullible.
  10. Russell

    Hackensack Toy Soldier Show

    Brad posted, Me too Brad. I did not go because my wife was ill. She's fine now. In fact I was off the forum for the week feeling a bit let down. But now it's fine.
  11. Russell

    Hackensack Toy Soldier Show

    Hi Brad, That's very kind. Practically the answer is no, because I like to look and see whether or not something catches my eye. Still , as I said earlier, my focus would have been Soldiers of the World, for the Napoleonic era, Hiriart, probably WWI, & WWII, and some Hocker sets. Then I...
  12. Russell

    Hackensack Toy Soldier Show

    Woke up this morning ready to drive south to the show, but my wife woke up ill and so I'm a no show :o. The aim of it all is having fun and so with her not feeling well I've decided to say home and make us tea. Along with coffee that's about all I can do in the kitchen. So I'm hoping for...
  13. Russell

    Hackensack Toy Soldier Show

    Chris wrote Yes sir, drill sergeant sir! :)
  14. Russell

    Favorite quotes

    I believe that Darwin basically had it right, but still Chesterton had me laughing with this: "The evolutionists seem to know everything about the missing link except the fact that it is missing."
  15. Russell

    "Indian Summer"

    Very nice Randy. I'd say we're going through our Indian summer right now. It's lovely.
  16. Russell

    Favorite quotes

    And so we plough along, as the fly said to the ox. Longfellow
  17. Russell

    Hackensack Toy Soldier Show

    This is completely off topic but I just noticed that: I am a 2nd Lieutenant with 690 posts Jagdpanther is a Colonel with 2002 posts but Currahee Chris is a Sergeant Major with 1863 posts :eek: What has Chris done wrong? :confused: Not that it changes anything but ... :)
  18. Russell

    Favorite quotes

    It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them. Alfred Adler
  19. Russell

    Anyone else like film Noir?

    If you like film noir try this by Tom Waits