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  1. theBaron

    What are the Forum members reading

    Chris, just watch the movies, it'll be faster! Ah, wait! No, it won't be. Prost! Brad
  2. theBaron

    Hello All

    Welcome to the forum! Another option is to talk to a dealer; many liquidate collections as part of their business. Probably the lowest price to you, but also the least amount of effort to get rid of the collection. It all depends on what your goal is. Prost! Brad
  3. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    Ah, OK! I just realized where I've seen this user interface and format before. The Scale Model Addict forum,, is built with XenForo, too. I knew one of the other forums I visit used the same platform, but I couldn't remember which one. Prost! Brad
  4. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    Hi, Rich, here's another box with the default contrast of black text color on the dark background: It caught my eye because of the label "Security measure". It's just a direct link to a vendor, from this thread...
  5. theBaron

    I have a Ramón Labayen soldier, still new in it's bag, and I'm hoping for identification

    I agree, John. I have a couple Labayen kits of a Belling hussar from the Seven Years War. The Säbeltasche is sculpted and cast with the rings integral to the part. He intended that you cut the straps from the metal sheet. It does look better than a piece cast with the pouch and straps all in...
  6. theBaron

    I have a Ramón Labayen soldier, still new in it's bag, and I'm hoping for identification

    I could open that bag and you'd never know it. Simply pry the staples open, then replace them when you've examined the contents. In this particular case, it's not going to impact the final sale price significantly. If you could, please, let us know how it sells, eventually. I'm curious to...
  7. theBaron

    Retired ,Semi Retired & Historical Russian Studios Information

    Sergey also sold very nice figures in gloss finish; those are what brought him to my attention at our show. In many cases, they were castings that were also available in matte connoisseur finish. Nicely sculpted and crisply cast. He was a very nice fella to deal with, too. Prost! Brad
  8. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    No, that, I have not done. But I'm an outlier among today's users-I don't do very much on my phone (Samsung Galazy A10e), except communicate and stream podcasts. The screen is just too small for my taste; I prefer a laptop or desktop monitor. It's what I came up on, nearly 30 years ago now...
  9. theBaron

    I have a Ramón Labayen soldier, still new in it's bag, and I'm hoping for identification

    Why not just open the bag? It won't impact the value or the price, unless you want to label it as unopened. But it'd make it a lot easier to tell. As far as the value goes, or more specifically, the asking price, I'd say $10 if you want to move it quickly, maybe $20. It's going to be a...
  10. theBaron

    Amazed at some items sold on ebay

    As the Romans said, "Caveat emptor". Prost! Brad
  11. theBaron

    Any Info Input About Stadden

    Also, to offer a minor correction, it's Lindstrom (or more precisely, Lindström), not "Londstrom".
  12. theBaron

    Any Info Input About Stadden

    And have you pursued any legal action against any of these people for allegedly copying your items?
  13. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    In the editor pane, if we highlight text, now there is good contrast to the shading, much easier to see what you're doing. Thanks! Prost! Brad
  14. theBaron

    Does anyone know what happened to All The Kings Men 54mm toy soldiers? Their website doesn't seem to work anymore.

    Almost 10 years ago. If I remember correctly, he was going to focus on running the farm he and his wife lived on. Yeah, I'm surprised the website still loads, too. Prost! Brad
  15. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    Sure thing! I test software for a living; I'm a QA analyst. Glad to help out! Prost! Brad
  16. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    Interesting-when I choose the Mark forums read feature from the What's New page, then the modal has a white background with black text: Different style sheets for those pages? Anyway, that's probably the best style for that popup, wherever it is called. Prost! Brad
  17. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    Similar to my earlier post about the text color visibility in modal popups, in the text editor, when adding a reply, if we highlight text to crop it, eg, by placing the cursor at the end of a line, then holding the shift key and placing the cursor at the other end of the line, there is no...
  18. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    Here is an item for the upgrade punch list-the text in some dialog modals is black on the dark green background, and nearly impossible to see: White text would be most visible. Prost! Brad
  19. theBaron

    Any Info Input About Stadden

    Those are some pretty serious allegations. Can you provide more specific examples, such as photos, of figures that John Eden and Magnus Lindstrom are supposed to have produced without copyright? I know that the Tradition website includes figures from other brands than Tradition, but all brands...
  20. theBaron

    New Forum Look

    OK, and the text entry panel is open by default, at the bottom of the page. You don't need to click a button to open it. Just enter your text then click Post Reply. Prost! Brad