I love it World Class! One pilot killed over 500 tanks with one, which is amazing (if not dubious)
Did you do a dark base, with white splotches over it, or white base, with finely airbrushed dark lines?
Either way, superb!
I made the Monogram 1/48 G model (i think the tank busters were "G"s) 20 years ago. No airbrush, so I used 3x5 index cards, with jagged holes cut out as a stencil, held 1/2" from the surface, and sprayed white/grey from a can through it, one mottled splotch at a time, LOL!
Your canopy is beautiful! Painted, or did you apply tape strips?
(I use aluminum tape, for A/C ducts, painted in the fuselage color, and stick on very thin strips. Neat beacause you can carefully poke the back side of the strips with a needle (not all the way through) so the top side looks like it has rivets. Its tedious, but I cant paint canopies worth a ****, so I am forced to adapt