Hansom Cab --Phoenix Model Developments, ByGone Age series (1 Viewer)


Sep 22, 2009
I got the bug about a year ago to hunt down and construct some of the 1/32nd scale, metal, Phoenix By Gone age carriages produced about 45 years ago.
This came about after poking around in my Gray army I discovered a number of Phoenix figures from the same time period that needed to come out of the darkness and be on display in my collection. These figures and carriages are nothing less than pieces of jewelry.

My first piece was to be the Hansom cab. I searched and lost a number of auctions on eBay (the last loss was over my bid of $150), but later had a lucky break
and found one in an obscure category (Hansom Cab) just loaded with photos, post cards and bracelet charms and sure enough the Phoenix Cab for $25. Moral of the story:
Don't limit your search on eBay to categories that are most likely to carry the piece you are looking for. Open the search to ALL categories. (this worked out even better for the rare Phoenix mail coach which I will explain in a later post)

So starting out, here is the Hansom cab after construction (unfortunately I did not photograph the construction process)

The carriage went together rather easily with the pieces (at least 30) fit well with the minimum of clean up.
After painting to include the interior, I decided to find a suitable driver as I did not have the fellow originally designed
for the cab. More important was to fit a passenger inside the cab, with the front doors CLOSED. Phoenix did not design
or offer a passenger, so this was going to have to be a modified figure, especially if I stayed within the phoenix figure line.
In addition I experimented with various Horses ( A couple from John Jenkins just proved to be visually a little too big at 1/30th scale)
I found after much digging in the gray army endless pit, one of the Phoenix horses designed for this carriage. Whew, dodged another custom
build or modification bullet)


So the search was on for suitable candidates to modify and meet my expectations of enhancing
the Cab with an array of figure based eye candy. Photo below are the Phoenix chosen few to lose or exchange heads, legs
etc and come back to life in a different painted form.

Visual of the first pass of cab driver (translation: Eventually He didn't work out, but ended up filling an even greater need elsewhere)
Stay tuned, following posts will go through the modification of these figures and utilization in non Phoenix carriages and wagons.
Photo also shows the in process original carriage horse designed and produced by Phoenix for the By Gone Age line

#2- Hansom Cab --Phoenix Model Developments, ByGone Age series

A photo left off initial post with the directions to show the Hansom was an extensive kit to assemble

And now a return to the focus on the figures.
Head swaps for the pony walker and the resting in a lawn chair fellow. In addition the sitting fellow needed
boots (sculpted with putty), and his head scarf was carved off giving him a bald head on the walker


Photo below was a mock up of the cab with figures. The horse is a Jenkins piece which was
just a bit to large. Driver after boots applied fit in the seat ok but still didn't look quite right.
The passengers legs really stuck out and the doors were not even close to being shut. A major amputation
was needed if he was to be used

What's your preferred material to assemble a kit like that, Walt? A two-part epoxy, for example?

I have a couple of the sedan chairs, myself. One, I assembled years ago by soldering. Fortunately, I didn't melt the kit. The other one is still unassembled, and I will use a 2-part epoxy, and pinning where appropriate.

Nice work on those figures, and the cab.

I have assembled and painted a couple of them for a local collector .....



And the couple in the deck chairs



The collector wanted them all finished in gloss, which I think suits.

What's your preferred material to assemble a kit like that, Walt? A two-part epoxy, for example?

I have a couple of the sedan chairs, myself. One, I assembled years ago by soldering. Fortunately, I didn't melt the kit. The other one is still unassembled, and I will use a 2-part epoxy, and pinning where appropriate.


I actually use Super Glue to assemble. Some pining with weak joint parts, but mostly just the glue. I have in some cases used magic sculpt as a filler if a joint is open enough to form a gap due to misalignment. I realize some risk, especially over time but so far so good.

I also have the Phoenix Sedan chair, but find the figures to be of poor anatomical quality and will need a suitable replacement before this kit ever hits my bench.
I'm always looking for a K&C or Jenkins pieces I can pick up cheap and not feel guilty for a serious conversion. These would be a bit larger, but I feel to carry the chair with the lady inside, the figures need to be pretty strong and have some heft. That chair is heavy.

Nice work on those figures, and the cab.

I have assembled and painted a couple of them for a local collector .....



And the couple in the deck chairs



The collector wanted them all finished in gloss, which I think suits.


They look great in the gloss as well. Fine job. I copied the photos for my image collection, if you don't mind
They look great in the gloss as well. Fine job. I copied the photos for my image collection, if you don't mind

No worries about copying nay of my images I'm glad you like my work.

To see more Phoenix figures I have painted check out my website Toy Soldiers On-Line Gallery http://members.upnaway.com/~obees/soldiers/
and in particular the lower section of this page:http://members.upnaway.com/~obees/soldiers/pa2.htm

Almost all of those Civilian figures have been painted for a couple of local collectors here in Australia.

I have had this kit for over thirty years and just started building it the other day. It is good to photos of one built as there are not many on the internet.


Yeah, I'm going to replace the kit rails with brass rod, or square brass tubing. I'll drill out some small holes and add rings to the side, with fine wire.


Brad, glad you have this in your bench plans. Im very interested in any modifications you make, and how you are dealing with the figures.
Keep us posted
Walt Damon
the figures- Hansom Cab --Phoenix Model Developments, ByGone Age series

As I last left off, the project was getting focused on the figures. Most important was fitting the cab passenger inside the cab with the front door closed.
As referenced in the photo below, he needed to have his legs amputated, and in turn primed for painting along with a few of his friends
Note the 2 ladies are sitting on a patch of double sticky tape. I use this to secure the figures when priming, sometimes even the painting, as when done it is easy to remove the figure
with little or no damage


Painting then began with an acrylic undercoat and a light wash of artist oils

The 3 men are shown in a finished state, the lady in this photo: still in process.
I love the guy with the tooth

However, I still was not comfortable with the cab driver, and as such searched and successfully
found the original cab driver, Phoenix had designed for the cab. Good news is the modified
driver I planned in the beginning of the cab project was to find an even better wagon to drive. Stay tuned
Nice work on those figures, and the cab.

I have assembled and painted a couple of them for a local collector .....



And the couple in the deck chairs



The collector wanted them all finished in gloss, which I think suits.


John, those figures look amazing. Who made them?

I love your colors on the horse and on the cab, Walt!

I've seen this kit up once on eBay, and in another auction from one of the dealers I buy from, he had an assembled cab that needed repair. I've passed so far, because my AMS (Advanced Modeler Syndrome) kicked in, and I need to confirm whether that style of cab is appropriate for Berlin in 1910. I suspect that it is, but I still need to do a little more looking, to see.

I love your characters, too, and yes, Snaggletooth is an amusing figure! Is that a head from another maker, or did you modify a Phoenix head, to get that?

All the figures are from Phoenix including snaggle tooth. His head is from the fellow sitting in the lawn chair (photo further down this thread sitting with lady also in lawn chair)
Prior to mounting the head I shaved off the kerchief that the stock figure was wearing on his head to shield the sun. What also may not be clear the amputated fellow who was positioned inside the cab is from a set of figures sitting on a park bench. (photo below) In order to fit him in with the cab doors closed ( you can see from the photo. its a tight fit with no leg room) the amputation was almost up to his hips.
I also positioned a cane in his hand to save from repositioning the arm (lazy me).


Photo of the workbench as this project was poking along, so not hard to see this project spawned a number of other carriages and wagons and further
development of Phoenix figures (not to mention the chaos of all the other in process works.....amazes me sometimes that anything ever reaches the finish line)

All the figures are from Phoenix including snaggle tooth. His head is from the fellow sitting in the lawn chair...

"Ach, so! Ach, soooooooo!" I had to go back and look more closely at that photo. I never noticed, any time I've seen that figure, that he had one tooth! That is funny!

John, those figures look amazing. Who made them?


Most of those figures are made by Phoenix, and they do come up on EBay occasionally, but are being reproduced by an English company S&D Models

You will notice they have 4 scales of models from 1/72 to 1/24 and all mine are 1/32.
Pictures of the assembled kits are also on the site.
One of my local collectors buys his kits from them and I have found the casting well done with very little flash and cast in pewter.

Hope that helps,
Finished -- Hansom Cab --Phoenix Model Developments, ByGone Age series

Once I received the proper driver from S&D models (as noted in Obee's post below), and tested the fit on the cab I started the casting clean up (minor) and put him in with the next
group of Phoenix figures going to the priming booth. (notice the use of double sided sticky tape to hold the figures to the priming blocks) These figures will be used on the next set of Carriages and wagons


Next was to paint up the driver with an acrylic under coat washed over with a light coat of artist oils
Thinking I may go back and give him a black coat collar


next position him on the cab, fabricate and arrange a set of reins, and another project ready for the Xmas display

Hi Walt,

A most enjoyable thread! Bringing those Bygone carriages back to life again brings back a lot of nostalgia for me. I've seen those vehicles and kits at various model shows in the UK many years back but they were always priced a little beyond my miserly grasp... I am pleased to see them revived again under S&D Models. I did buy a few accessories (pianos etc) from them a few years back but the newer castings had some surface pitting which required a bit of work. I assume that the older kit castings are better then.

Anyway, I am enjoying your excellent work and progress on this thread. I also love your busy workbench. Lots for you to do. hahaha.

Rgds Victor
The lady could use a wrap. She'll catch a cold from the chill. ;)


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