“A Great Big Thankyou…” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Greetings once more from the “Pearl of the Orient” … As some of you know I’ve been stateside for a couple of weeks both at the “West Coaster” which was great and down in San Antonio at “Kings X” meeting the new team there and working on the upcoming “Texas Show” which will take place this Memorial Day Weekend (24/25 May).

If I may let me express my thanks to a really terrific bunch of blokes who made the “West Coaster” so much fun – First my good mate, Chris Munro from The Soldier Gallery up in Cambria, northern California. Chris…you are an invaluable source of great help, sound advice and – introducing me to good, old-fashioned American Bourbon!

I must also mention and thank Mike & Myszka Hall of Sierra Toy Soldiers in Los Gatos for one of the best ever Sierra/K&C Saturday Night Get-Togethers…Including of course Rob, Doug & Kevin (the Three Musketeers). Another vote of gratitude must go to the “Jeep Man” Kris Webber. Kris arrived on Thursday before the show with his vintage 1945 Willys Jeep and we drove off for a couple of hours “RnR” and a delicious burger! Jeeps and burgers…what an unbeatable combo.

Again, as many of you already know, there’s a lot more to Toy Soldier Shows than just toy soldiers! This year East Coast mates Hans Hedrich, Tom Dubel and West Coast “transplant” Ed Curiel made the show and made it even more fun…Lots of late nights…plenty of that Bourbon and Coke…and laughs in abundance. We all managed to find some pretty good soldiers too! Yet another honorable mention to Adam from King’s X who flew all the way up to Irvine from San Antonio…his arms must be killing him…

There’s a lot more folks I should and could mention but I would be seriously remiss if I did not thank the “West Coaster” organizers – Craig & Woody, without their hard-won efforts, the show simply would not happen. It’s often forgotten just how much effort these guys put in all year long to ensure that we all have a fabulous few days of fun, frolic and, of course, toy soldiers.

Thankyou one and all for those who made the effort to take part, come along and make it all happen!

Very sincerely and gratefully yours,

Andy C.​

P.S. Sorry, almost forgot – Muchos Gracias to Dan Gagliasso for once more putting me back in touch with Capt.Dale Dye…Dale and yours truly had a very enjoyable evening in L.A. after the show – only sorry you were in Europe and missed it.

I think this year was one of the best Woestcoasters ever!

Thanks for making it so great!


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