“Congrats & Thanks” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Just a note to add my congratulations to “Duke” on his “Spitfire Down!” display...always good to see the RAF Ambulance back in action.

Also a note to “Nick the Baggie” ...some interesting ideas Nick and actually a couple we are already following “Popping the lice in the jacket” might be a wee bit too hard. How big are lice in 1:30 scale!!!

On the FT17 ...the final version already “in the works” for release later this year is a “1940” French Army version for the “Fields of Battle” series.

Watch out for it. Happy collecting.


P.S. Sorry Brad, I don’t think there is any confusion, the new metal sets each have their own code number. Thanks for your interest.
I think the confusion can lie Andy in that these are not collector items (and certainly not of the same quality as the better made figures) but figures for tourists. As such, why not give them their own but separate code designation.
....... I don’t think there is any confusion, the new metal sets each have their own code number. .
In a year nobody will remember that part of the regular series coding were painted in order to be priced for tourists.
They all will be grouped together with the others in the code number series. Only some people may look at them
and question the quality of painting. They won't say, "Oh, this one is for tourists." They'll say, "The quality of King
& Country sure has gone down."

The better quality painting was apparently important enough to have some with the (P) designator, but that earth shaking
idea seems to have petered out anyway.

You might want to peruse this even though anything goes in China:
Although not an Alamo collector, I like to see manufacturers think laterally and attempt something different. Whether it be a 'P' designation, a cheaper subset of a range, different mediums, or even a war gaming range, they all offer opportunities for some, though never all collectors. As for the question of how they are numbered, those kinds of details have never really attracted my attention although I accept it may be of concern to others.

Yet there have been sustained calls for cheaper figures and dismay from some about the death of the hobby due to rising prices. Here is an effort from a manufacturer that seeks to respond to those demands. I hope that it is a success, for although it is not in my area of interest, a success here may lead to further opportunities in areas that are more to my taste. So it is my selfish hope that these sell like hotcakes and the initiative is expanded into ranges that I collect. It is the same reason I applauded the plastic tank, the war gaming sets from CS and the tin vehicles even though I have not purchased any. I am confident my turn will come.
BL raises a very good point that people will forget that these sets were made for tourists and just perceive that K & C quality has declined. That is all the more reason to identify these separately, perhaps in some non-collector category.

What Jack recommends in general is all to the good but the figures should be distinguished. Pardon my ignorance as I never collected figures back then but isn't that what Britain's did with their Deetail line. If I've gotten that wrong, apologies in advance.

Hey Andy, thanks for the mention on my dio. That RAF Ambulance has come in quite handy for me and has been used in many of my scenes.

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