“Here and There” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

In reference to a few posts…

A. “Stands for Models”…Sorry Scott, no intention to produce stands for the aircraft…the vast majority of collectors enjoy seeing their aircraft “on the deck”…either waiting for the pilot or ready to take off. Stands just add to the expense and…are amazingly easy to knock over!!!

B. Jetty for a British Friend…As usual great work Carlo…Question. Were you inspired/influenced by the Jetty Gordon built for our Seehund Dockside Scene we had at Chicago a few years back?

C. FOB039…Yes, it did indeed belong to Wehrmacht 1st. Panzer Division.

D. Who needs a Quad?
While I like the pix of the Bren Gun Carrier towing the 25-Pounder…I still much prefer the good old Quad!

That’s all for now folks,
All the best and happy collecting!​

Andy C.​
hello Andy, how are you?
You say well, the Londoner collector has recently purchased three K&C Seehund Subs and sent me a couple of Gordon's base pictures asking me to replicate that Jetty. I have just seen the video on YouTube and I'm happy to have captured quite well the original mood. Gordon is a Master and me just a keen pupil!
Hi Guys,

In reference to a few posts…

A. “Stands for Models”…Sorry Scott, no intention to produce stands for the aircraft…the vast majority of collectors enjoy seeing their aircraft “on the deck”…either waiting for the pilot or ready to take off. Stands just add to the expense and…are amazingly easy to knock over!!!

Hi Andy,

What encouraged me to post the poll was this pic that Brad posted to the Collections forum:


Before going on, I'd note that I don't display my models the way that Brad does. Rather, about half of mine are parked on a shelf rather than on a stand. I've found that this sort of mix allows me to maximize the number of items that I'm able to show. The arrangement also makes the rearmost items easier to view from most angles.

You are correct regarding the instability of models on stands, even good ones. I deal with this by setting up my displays and then leaving them alone. While I've never lost a model through a mishap, this is not to say that it can't happen. This could be the day!{eek3}

Good stands are, indeed, expensive. One of your competitors makes very nice acrylic stands, but they cost about $34. Clearly, that sort of $$$ is nothing to take lightly.

As to personal preference, as the poll indicates, most of your fans are not interested in stands. Given that my focus is on pilots and planes, rather than figures and vehicles, I'm certainly cognizant of the fact that I'm an odd man out in this regard. Having over two-hundred models and almost one-hundred metal pilot figures, however, my focus is on the effective use of whatever shelf space that I can wring out of my quarters.

In closing, let me acknowledge that you clearly know your market. Hats off to you for that, and best of luck to you in your continued sales of model airplanes.:) I own one of them, BTW, the Marseille 109.

Take care,

D. Who needs a Quad?
While I like the pix of the Bren Gun Carrier towing the 25-Pounder…I still much prefer the good old Quad!
In the N. Africa desert, one has to make use of anything available. Plus, you can't blame a guy for trying. :smile2:

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