“Here and There” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Just a few comments on various points raised recently…

1. 70th Anniversary of D.Day
Pretty good TV coverage on CNN and BBC and a big thankyou to Harrie (Normandy ’44) for the pix…Wish I could have been there!

2. The June London Show
Also congrats to “Gazza” and “Wraith” for their excellent coverage…I do get to the December London Show but not once have I ever managed to get around the entire venue…Too much temptation – after all I collect too!!!

3. Dispatches May 2014
Buy what you like…enjoy what you like. At the end of the day it’s your money…so enjoy it. As far as “the experts” are concerned they can have their say and that’s fine by me too. However can anyone tell me this – “who critiques the critics? ”

4. French Panhard?
Go for it “Zulucollector”…One of these days we might revisit that one. I look forward to seeing your conversation.

5. 3 Kingdoms Add-Ons
In discussion at this moment…more info later. Very good potential. And as they say in the movies…That’s all for now folks!

Andy C.​
Well Andy .... thank you for the positive news on the 3 Kingdoms. Anytime you are discussing said 3 Kingdoms and would perhaps like a collector's input, please feel free to PM. :salute::


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