“Questions...Answers...And Comments” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Apologies in advance in not getting back to some of you with the above...I just got back from China last night and I’m trying to tidy up a few things before I head off to San Antonio and “The Texas Toy Soldier Show” this coming 19th May (The Show is 23/24 May).

Anyway here goes...

1. Why no K&C Samurais..?
Way back in 2006/07 we designed and produced a whole big batch of “Samurai Warriors” for Del Prado Japan – and it was a nightmare!!!
Two different experts in Japan provided two different points of view on virtually everything and anything. We didn’t employ them DPJ did! So not my fault.
After about 3 dozen figures were produced we resigned from the project in frustration.
Much as I admire the work of others in this particular area I have no wish or desire to return to that particular arena.
Besides, there’s also too many other historical periods and places I’d rather go...

2. Compatibility
Here at K&C we are delighted when any of our figures are utilized with other companies’ products.
The “half-body” tank commanders are very useful for that.

3. “On the Way to Kursk”
A nice little road scene there Poppo...My only advice might be to use a less colourful background...the blue sky is too cheerful 1MO of course. A more sombre sky might have worked better. But its your dio...you do what works for you.

4. Stuart Makeover
Another great conversion Guy...Looking forward to seeing the complete dio.

5. “Commando Attack”
Nice to also see these guys working! I also prefer the black and white shots.
More Commandos will be released shortly including...”Mad Jack” Churchill.

6. “Promo Figures”
The little “bronzed” promotion figures are just that...for promotion. However if you make a simple little plinth base they make a great little statue as well.
Material is “white metal” same as regular figures with the aforesaid “bronze” finish.
Hope this helps...Best wishes and happy collecting!

Thank you Andy, for your nice comments . The dio in question will hopefully be finished by the end of next week. It will be called " Summer in the "liberated "city".
hope you'll like it
Thank you for your nice comment Andy, I agree with you...True that the backgrounds are not my specialty :eek:
Will the "Mad Jack Churchill" figure feature his sword or his bow and arrows - both perhaps? Plenty of scope for more Commando personalities in the future!
Hi Guys,
5. “Commando Attack”
Nice to also see these guys working! I also prefer the black and white shots.
More Commandos will be released shortly including...”Mad Jack” Churchill.
Thanks much Andy; appreciate the feedback. Mad Jack sounds like a nice figure. Personally, I'd like to see a Lloyd Bridges in Attack on the Iron Coast figure for some added fun.

Some new Kriegsmarine to attack would be great as well.;)
Will the "Mad Jack Churchill" figure feature his sword or his bow and arrows - both perhaps? Plenty of scope for more Commando personalities in the future!

Agreed. I remember mentioning a Mad Jack Churchill as a desirable addition/possibility for K&C in this forum some time back... and whilst it may have taken a while for it to come to fruition, it demonstrates that despite what the detractors often say, Andy does pay attention and when viable will act. So, definitely a figure I will be adding to my collection despite it not being in my immediate area of interest.

OK, so as Andy will no doubt keep tabs on this thread, how about a WW1 AIF Model T Ford from the 1st Australian Light Car Patrol in the Middle East?
And some Chinese gangsters/TRIAD or 1930's "Green Gang" types for the SOHK series to oppose my USN/USMC figures?
Any chance of any of these in the near or foreseeable future, Andy?


I'm very much looking forward to Andy's incarnation of Mad Jack Churchill! I'll also take credit for mentioning the idea to him and sending photos and biographical data. After Mayne, Stirling, Lovat, Millen, Urquart, and others, a character as colorful as "Mad Jack" deserves to be cast and added to the pantheon. My hope is that Andy will allow a sneak peek this weekend.

As that goes, the minivan is loaded and we're ready to roll to San Antonio in the morning. See you lads there!


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