Hi Guys,
As I’ve discovered over the years in this hobby...It’s impossible to please everyone. No matter what you do, how you do it or when you do it. Someone, somewhere will find fault with something.
So, if I may, allow me to explain why we did what we did...at least in some instances...
1. The latest “Remember The Alamo” combined sets...They are part of the RTA series, with that code designation, because in addition to casual visitors and general tourists many of our existing “Alamo” collectors
wanted and requested a less expensive line of figures that could add
“bulk” to their displays . Obviously if we are going to provide additional Mexican Infantry and Artillery etc. plus some more defenders it makes commercial sense to add in some of the leading personalities as well that will appeal to the non-traditional toy soldier collector who will be buying these sets as gifts or keepsakes of their visit to San Antonio.
In addition K&C is working with several Museums who will be stocking these sets and I believe they will provide an excellent and affordable
“entry-point” to both toy soldier collecting in general and K&C in particular.
So now, you may see, if you wish, some
“method to my madness”.
2. The latest “Alamo” façade
”Why do we need another Alamo façade?”
Well, that’s fairly easy to answer – The last façade
“master” and its mold
(or should I say molds) simply disintegrated and broke up. As well they might after almost 3,500 produced thanks to six molds!!! New Collectors come to the
“Alamo” series virtually every day from all over the world
and we have our Kings X store right next to the Alamo that sells a whole lot of Alamo facades every single year...year after year.
“How could we not have an “Alamo” façade”...And so as stocks began to run low we designed and carved a new
“master” and that is what you will see very soon!
Surely those collectors who have the old one have no necessity for the new version unless they want to upgrade.
But for all new collectors it’s a
“must-have”. So, there you have it. Hope this clarifies our position.
Best wishes and happy collecting!