“sitrep” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Long time no speak...As many of you know I’ve been “Stateside” for almost 3 weeks in California, Chicago and San Antonio. Not, I hasten to add, just gallivanting around but actually working. However, I would be remiss if I did not thank some folks who made the working visit for Gordon and me so enjoyable. Here goes...

To: Mike & Myzska Hall and young Evan at Sierra Toy Soldiers in Los Gatos a huge thankyou for this our 7th Annual K&C/Sierra “Meet ‘n’ Greet”...Also another vote of gratitude to all those people who came along to the event. I must mention my friend and former Sherrif’s Deputy Jim RIckers for the complete Sonoma County Deputy’s uniform...Now, where in Hong Kong can I find a .357 Magnum? Thankyou sincerely Jim.

Also thanks to Nyle and Silke at the University of San Jose Library for the great visit to the library. Plus a visit to Los Gatos would not be complete without meeting up with Jason (Panzer Ace) and Mike (Kilted Vampire). Topping it all off, for the second time, was afternoon tea with Judge Franklin (Evan’s Dad) and his Mum at their beautiful house up in the hills above Los Gatos. Gordon and me also got to visit the Judge’s chambers and court in downtown San Jose.

Very many thanks to Mike & Myzska for making it all happen and a terrific side trip to Big Sur!
After a few relaxing days in California it was off to Chicago and Schaumburg for the biggest Toy Soldier Show in the world.

Gordon and me arrived on Tuesday afternoon before the show on the 28th to meet up with our good mate Chris Munro from Cambria’s “The Soldier Factory”. Chris, alas had a very serious industrial accident just over a week before but still turned up to help and organize us at the Show. His lovely wife Julie arrived a day later to also help...So we got 2 x Munros for the price of one...Many, many thanks Chris and Julie for all your support over that next week!

On the Tuesday night of our arrival we had our standing invitation to dinner at another great “Treefrogger” and a great friend Brian Waeyaert’s house. Brian is “Warbuff 26”.

Brian and his wife are great hosts and in addition Brian has an outstanding “Man Cave” in his basement, where, I am delighted to say his new “Dick Winter’s C47” has “Pride of Place” on his shelves.

The next day Brian very kindly and helpfully joined our “crew” to help us unload, unpack and set up all our K&C Dioramas & Displays in Room 4301.

From Wednesday until Saturday our display room at the Hyatt Regency was seldom empty...Plenty of old friends and collectors came in as well as quite a few new ones too!

With having Gordon, Chris, Julie and myself “manning the room” all of us from time to time managed to get out and “recce” the other rooms to see and buy what we wanted.

The variety and scope of what’s on offer at a show like Chicago is truly amazing. My only wish is that more collectors would actually make the effort to attend shows like these. The Internet is great but it is no substitute for a real, “live” show!!!

Over the next few days we had lots of opportunities to meet up with plenty of good friends like Hans Hedrich...Tom Dubel...Brad (Jazzeum)...Clive Gande (Grey Goose)...and many, many others from Australia, France, the UK (still United thankyou), plus our dealers from France, Phylipe & Valerie and Italy, Stefano (Saimex).

We also got to see Col. Paul Narowski and Kelly from Louisiana. Plus, our great new friend from Brazil, Carlos.

Unfortunately, on Thursday 25 September, a crazy loon decided to sabotage Chicago’s entire Air Traffic Control Centre and dozens, may be a couple of hundred folks who would have attended the show had their travel and flight plans totalled when the system collapsed.

Fortunately for us the Kings X team of Amber & Adam made it through and “premiered” their new “John Ford Cavalry” figures to much acclaim and great sales! Well done guys.

On Sunday morning the whole K&C “Crew” were up bright and early to set up in “Manufacturers Row” on the hall way leading up to the main show in the hotel’s ballroom.

We had been joined a few days earlier by another old friend TV Screen writer and history buff, Dan Gagliasso who joined the “Crew” as well as Col. Paul again plus Amber & Adam from Kings X.

Considering the travel chaos from the airport incident the crowd was still pretty good and collectors were definitely spending money!
Amazingly within a few short hours it’s all over and once more we “schlepped” all the displays and more than a few purchases up to our room...ready to be repacked and shipped to various destinations the following day.

But, we all had a great time and, for an all-too-short few days, we met up and enjoyed all things toy soldiers and everything else under the sun...

In a “SITREP” like this it’s impossible sometimes to remember everything and everyone. So, if I have not thanked you personally, please forgive me and put it down to...having too much fun...one too many “Makers Mark & Diet Coke” and...my advancing years!

However, I do finally want to thank a guy who has made the Chicago Show happen for almost 3 1/2 decades...Mr. Don Pielin, Don, like all of us is a toy soldier enthusiast, who loves the entire hobby and never has a bad word to say about anybody...He works tirelessly all year long (with Jo & Steve Sommers) to ensure that all of us have a great time. Take my advice, if you’ve never been to the Chicago Show make that special effort to attend...As I’ve said many times... before...”It’s the most fun you can have with your clothes on!”

Thankyou one and all and...happy collecting!​

Andy C.​

Thanks so much for the kind words and the outstanding recommendation to attend Chicago...well worth the effort and the close brushes with airline fiasco. Kelly and I really enjoyed the show, the opportunity to catch up with you, the pleasure of meeting Gordon, seeing Amber and Adam; the only thing missing was Laura, and we look forward to seeing her in San Antonio in May.

It was my pleasure to join the "crew." When the only real talents you have are a strong back and a weak mind, the best thing you can do is find a way to use them to help friends!

All the best, Mate, Safe Travels!

Airborne All The Way!

The "Crazy Loon" you noted at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago who caused the cancellation of so many flights also caused Stuart Hessney the editor of Toy Soldier & Model Figure (TS&MF) magazine to have his flight scheduled for the Friday before the show cancelled and again on Saturday when he tried again. I am sure that this is the first OTS Show he has missed since being editor of TS&MF magazine. I noted that there were certainly a lot fewer people at the show than in prior years.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

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