“This `n’ That `n’ The Next Thing...” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

First of all many thanks for the warm welcome and appreciative comments on the September “Dispatches”...It’s always good to have your feedback both on this Forum and elsewhere...As well as, of course, the many private emails sent directly to K&C and yours truly.

Now in response to a few points...

1. “Chipping Paint On Figures”
No company, K&C included, can afford to ignore or neglect this problem.
Thankfully, over the years, K&C has had a declining number of such problems...but they do alas occur occasionally.
The causes can be many and varied as some other “posters” in the past have indicated. Such reasons as poor ventilation...toxins in the wood of display cabinets that can cause a chemical reaction as well as other chemical reactions which the handler may have unknowingly have had on his hands and so on.
Then there is faulty “under-coating” at the factory or even mishandling at source either at the factory, warehouse or even dealer/owner level. All can and do create problems.
When, such incidents occur please contact us directly, provide us with the relevant details and, whenever possible, we will try and help.

2. “Battle-Scarred Building”
As some of you have pointed out this piece is one of the most versatile K&C has ever produced and can be used in a wide variety of scenarios for both WW1 and WW2. So happy to hear and see what some of you guys are doing with it!

3. “The MG Welbike”
Hi Scott, you do not have to be a member of the K&C Collectors Club to buy this little MG motorbike...Simply order direct from K&C in HK.

4. “Dio Displays”
Here at HQ in HK we all enjoy seeing what you guys do with our figures and vehicles. A big thankyou to all of you who take the time to “shoot” and “post” your creative work on this Forum and elsewhere...Keep ‘em coming!

All the best, and happy collecting.

Hi Guys,

First of all many thanks for the warm welcome and appreciative comments on the September “Dispatches”...It’s always good to have your feedback both on this Forum and elsewhere...As well as, of course, the many private emails sent directly to K&C and yours truly.

Now in response to a few points...

1. “Chipping Paint On Figures”
No company, K&C included, can afford to ignore or neglect this problem.
Thankfully, over the years, K&C has had a declining number of such problems...but they do alas occur occasionally.
The causes can be many and varied as some other “posters” in the past have indicated. Such reasons as poor ventilation...toxins in the wood of display cabinets that can cause a chemical reaction as well as other chemical reactions which the handler may have unknowingly have had on his hands and so on.
Then there is faulty “under-coating” at the factory or even mishandling at source either at the factory, warehouse or even dealer/owner level. All can and do create problems.
When, such incidents occur please contact us directly, provide us with the relevant details and, whenever possible, we will try and help.

2. “Battle-Scarred Building”
As some of you have pointed out this piece is one of the most versatile K&C has ever produced and can be used in a wide variety of scenarios for both WW1 and WW2. So happy to hear and see what some of you guys are doing with it!

3. “The MG Welbike”
Hi Scott, you do not have to be a member of the K&C Collectors Club to buy this little MG motorbike...Simply order direct from K&C in HK.

4. “Dio Displays”
Here at HQ in HK we all enjoy seeing what you guys do with our figures and vehicles. A big thankyou to all of you who take the time to “shoot” and “post” your creative work on this Forum and elsewhere...Keep ‘em coming!

All the best, and happy collecting.


Thank you Andy! I did that today! :)

Hi Andy, i think painting and undercoating (the white priming of figures) is better than before. I experienced this problem with a batch of figures all from one year: 2010. So when i see a figure from that year (and unfortunately there are a lot and beautiful ones) i try to avoid buying it. I have figures from 2005 and 2006 and the quality is great even after all these years (think about the early FOB or the Piper from the 8th Army in battledress jacket), unfortunately some figures like Orde Wingate and Dolittle are irreparably ruined by poor undercoating. The paint falls off . Also some of the AK and Kriegsmarine figures bear this problem. But i'm happy the quality now is really top notch. I hope in a reissue at some time of some figures of that year.

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