“Uniforms During The English Civil War” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

One of the strange anomalies of the English Civil War was that both sides – both Parliament and Royalist had a lot more “uniformity” than many of their contemporaries fighting on the Continent during “The Thirty Years War.”

For the first time, breeches, coats and stockings were issued on a regimental level to all rank and file...Officers still preferred to wear their own clothes.

On both sides “Red” and “Blue” were the most favoured colours for uniforms because of the availability of those clothing dyes (and their cheapness!)

Other uniform colours included green, white and grey coats.

Perhaps the easiest way to differentiate between the opposing sides is by the colour of their hat bands and waist sashes...

Parliamentary Forces used “orange” as their colour of choice. The King’s Army chose “red” and sometimes “blue”.

Hope this general info is of some assistance to any new “P&M” collectors.

Best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C.​

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