1815 "The blows of the sabres on the cuirasses sounded like braziers at work."
My companion piece to the French Cuirassier" charge from a different angle. The British 1st and 2nd Life Guards formed the front charging line of The Household Brigade at the Battle of Waterloo, staging the famous charge against the French Cuirassiers that saved the British centre from being overrun. I found the image of the cuirass while looking for a background on the web.
My companion piece to the French Cuirassier" charge from a different angle. The British 1st and 2nd Life Guards formed the front charging line of The Household Brigade at the Battle of Waterloo, staging the famous charge against the French Cuirassiers that saved the British centre from being overrun. I found the image of the cuirass while looking for a background on the web.