1911 (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Nov 22, 2009
Recently released on blu-ray. 1911 is a Chinese production.........
"A historical drama based on the founding of the Republic of China when
nationalist forces led by Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Qing Dynasty."
Sub-titled, but not much dialog anyway. I have no idea how accurate
in is, but imagine there is some propaganda. My knowledge of Chinese
history begins with Marco Polo and ends with "55 Days at Peking."
Good action scenes.


Thanks. I have this on my Netflix queue. I'd like to see Chan doing a serious role. I really like his two "Project A" comedies set in 1900 Hong Kong
I just watched it. Pretty good EXCEPT you need a big TV screen to read the on screen titles of who is who and what date and event you are seeing as they are in English and another Chinese dialect. The language subtitles are fine.

It's a serious movie but there is a quick scene of Jackie Chan's character, a serious military leader, going after assassins on a ship carrying future president Sun Yat-sen. Jackie or his double can still move and fight with Props. Jackie's character "gets the girl" as well.

Some pretty good battle scenes and early 1900s uniforms.

Some background on Sun Yat-sen, the film does not cover it all.


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