1st Foot Guards (1 Viewer)


Apr 14, 2007
For those of you who have the 1st Foot Guards, which French cavalry did you get to put against them and which figures from those units? I have had all of the 1st Foot Guard figures for a few years now, except the exclusive standing captain, but I haven't purchased any cavalry to pit against them. Curious to see how these have been displayed by the Forum members.

For those of you who have the 1st Foot Guards, which French cavalry did you get to put against them and which figures from those units? I have had all of the 1st Foot Guard figures for a few years now, except the exclusive standing captain, but I haven't purchased any cavalry to pit against them. Curious to see how these have been displayed by the Forum members.


I do not have any references 1st Foot Guard, friends, here are some "old shots" made with load rifle as opposition.
Cuirassiers also compatible.:wink2:

I have all the 1st Foot Guards and use there variously against all the French line units, including the Guards. I also use them in square against Cuirasiers. There is no wrong answer and many options.
Post more pictures! (Although not too many, because I am afraid I might end up getting into Naps :) ) Seriously though. Your pictures are outstanding! Simply amazing! Brad
I missed out on the 1st Footguards....As I got into FL Naps a little late......Hope they get re-released or something similar...The Flagbearers are excellent.
Like Vezzolf I missed this range, so I purchased some 95th Rifles and 92nd Highlanders...
Post more pictures! (Although not too many, because I am afraid I might end up getting into Naps :) ) Seriously though. Your pictures are outstanding! Simply amazing! Brad

Hello Brad,
thank you for your admiration of my photos.
"The 1st Foot Guards are part of my first purchases with French line infantry when I started my collection FL."
PJ: some pics of 2008!! (First diorama):eek:
If you want to see lots of photos NAPS, visit my blog entry: albums.

Hello Brad,
thank you for your admiration of my photos.
"The 1st Foot Guards are part of my first purchases with French line infantry when I started my collection FL."
PJ: some pics of 2008!! (First diorama):eek:
If you want to see lots of photos NAPS, visit my blog entry: albums.

Thank you all for the suggestions and I just love the photos! It had been a long while since I had seen them.

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