2008 Historicon (1 Viewer)


Mar 27, 2008
Evening, everyone,

This weekend is Historicon, the wargamers' show in Lancaster PA. In case anyone's interested, here's their homepage link:


I've never been to it before, but some of my friends have recommended it. Apart from wargaming, there is a lot of print material, supplies, etc. Apparently, it's common for a gamer to work with a particular time period, then get tired of it and sell off the material he amassed while researching it.

Whether I buy anything or not, I've been meaning to go and see it for myself, because it's history, and miniatures, and Lancaster. Some very fine microbreweries/brewpubs out that way.

Evening, everyone,

This weekend is Historicon, the wargamers' show in Lancaster PA. In case anyone's interested, here's their homepage link:


I've never been to it before, but some of my friends have recommended it. Apart from wargaming, there is a lot of print material, supplies, etc. Apparently, it's common for a gamer to work with a particular time period, then get tired of it and sell off the material he amassed while researching it.

Whether I buy anything or not, I've been meaning to go and see it for myself, because it's history, and miniatures, and Lancaster. Some very fine microbreweries/brewpubs out that way.

Well then Brad, may you...
Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
Dance like no-one is watching,
S**** like it's being filmed,
And drink like a true Irishman.;):D
Well then Brad, may you...
Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
Dance like no-one is watching,
S**** like it's being filmed,
And drink like a true Irishman.;):D


Baron!! You kind of freaked me out :D:D:D

not this weekend but the following July 24-27.

If anybody wants to meet, I would be happy to oblige.

it's a fun gathering- bunch of interesting creatures from around the globe cascade into one rather large building in the middle of Pa Dutch country.

CC :)
D'OH! Thanks for pointing that out, Chris, I'm getting ahead of myself.:eek:

Sorry for the goof, guys, it's the last weekend in July.
D'OH! Thanks for pointing that out, Chris, I'm getting ahead of myself.:eek:

Sorry for the goof, guys, it's the last weekend in July.


It's sunday night brother- actually, you were the second person I have conversed with in the past 30 minutes that said that so I wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy. :)

Heck, come on down just to meet George the Warrior Guerrero- visiting his booth is always the highlight of the weekend for me.
Thanks for posting the link Brad; this is a great show, my second favorite to OTSN. The dealer hall itself is gigantic, loads of stuff to see in all scales. 54mm is becoming a very popular scale to game in; one of my customers is running a French and Indian War game using Jenkins figures, another is running a huge 20mm Pacific Theater game.

It's a great show, you can shop, see loads and loads of wargames that run day and night for three and a half days, plus there are several large outlet malls in the area and great food to eat as well.

I know Chris will be there, hope to see some other forum members there as well...........
Wear your badges! ;)

I don't know why I haven't been to Historicon before, because it's only about 80 miles from the Lehigh Valley to Lancaster. But I am looking forward to it. And George's description just makes my mouth water over it.

Brad, you'll be glad you made the trip, trust me...........
Looking forward to meeting you in person, George, and any other Foristas, too. (Though I am sure I have probably seen you at the shows here in the Mid-Atlantic, but haven't met you to put name and face together).

Just got back from Historicon, and I have to say, I wish I had started going years ago! The vendor area was great, the games were interesting, and it was nice to see dealers and collectors I know, and to talk with people I don't know, but who share the same interests. Lots on painting, casting, building scene pieces.

It was also very nice to meet George Guerrero in person, hi, George! And I met Ken Cliffe of All the King's Men, and his charming wife. If you haven't looked at his Revolutionary War figures yet, I recommend them. I got myself a bag of Hessian Jäger, can't wait to get started on them. Very nice talking about figures, casting, painting, a great time!

I recommend the show highly, prost!
I just came back from the show. Some very nice stuff there, I did see the John Jenkins wargame setup, the figures were awesome. Hobby Bunker and Minutemen had some 54mm 60mm stuff for sale. It is really nice to see some K&C stuff in person before buying. The new Fallshirmjaegers and German WWI sets look a way lot nicer in person than online.
Nice to have met you Brad, glad you had a good time, next one is in November out in Gettysburg, FAR AND AWAY my favorite show to attend. The funny thing is it's the worst from a profit standpoint, but I could care less, it's in GETTYSBURG!!

Flame, hope you return to the con, it is awesome........

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