2009 Somerset (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
One of my favorite places to go at each Chicago Show is the Somerset room to look at Ron Leh's creation because he makes some of the best figures around. Ron had figures from his several ranges there including Lawrence, Camel Corp., Star of India, Gordon and Samurai. He even had some figures from a Zulu range that he no longer sell. The figures from the Zulu range were not that expensive, around $25 or so a figure.

He's working on a new Grenadier Guards range and had several sculpts there. Clive ordered several and I'm looking forward to seeing them on his website.

I always buy something when I'm there and this year was no difference, a mule carrying a maxim gun and his handler.


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I admittedly fell in love with his figures this year and will probably make an investment at some point. Unfortunately, I was quite overwhelmed by the choices. Camels (desert terrain) or mules (mountainous terrain); civil handlers or military handlers; Northern frontier or "Arabia" baggage train; etc. I need to do a lot more research and soul searching before jumping in.

But Kudos to everyone who already has Somerset.
Here is the link to the Somerset Ltd Toy Soldier Website:


The company name "Somerset" sounds English (county in SW England).

The company logo bears the "Union Jack" crest too.

Unfortunately, there is no "About Us" section.

It does say that the figures are by Ron Leh of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Joe Berton of Chicago, Illinois.

The website needs some updating as the Zulu War figures are not listed.

Does anyone know the history of the company?



The Zulu figures are from an old range that they no longer make but Ron told me that they brought some of the figures to see if they could sell them.

Ron's company has been around a long time. Ron used to make camels for K & C back in the 1980s. Unfortunately, I don't have any more details than that. Perhaps Louis has some more background.
Here is the link to the Somerset Ltd Toy Soldier Website:


The company name "Somerset" sounds English (county in SW England).

The company logo bears the "Union Jack" crest too.

Unfortunately, there is no "About Us" section.

It does say that the figures are by Ron Leh of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Joe Berton of Chicago, Illinois.

The website needs some updating as the Zulu War figures are not listed.

Does anyone know the history of the company?


Raymond, I cannot answer about the history of Somerset except to say it is a US owned and run with everything made and painted in the US. I bought my first figures from them around 1990 so they are at least that old. I have never seen the Zulu War range so I do not know if they are available, new, old, or what. -- Al
I admittedly fell in love with his figures this year and will probably make an investment at some point. Unfortunately, I was quite overwhelmed by the choices. Camels (desert terrain) or mules (mountainous terrain); civil handlers or military handlers; Northern frontier or "Arabia" baggage train; etc. I need to do a lot more research and soul searching before jumping in.

But Kudos to everyone who already has Somerset.
An excellent line of figures. I was fortunate enough to be able to buy Somerset back in the early '90's when they were much less price prohibitive. They were not cheap at the time ($45ish) but I had some expendable cash and was able to acquire
some 3 dozen NWF lancers over 3 or 4 years, from 6 different regiments. I still believe these to be the best glossy figures I own and would buy more if I could still afford them. I would love to have the Elephant Artillery set. They are magnificent soldiers. -- lancer
Louis, whose opinions on these matters I respect, has often said that Somerset make the best glossy figures out there.
Raymond, I cannot answer about the history of Somerset except to say it is a US owned and run with everything made and painted in the US. I bought my first figures from them around 1990 so they are at least that old. I have never seen the Zulu War range so I do not know if they are available, new, old, or what. -- Al


Thanks very much for your input.

It is good to learn that it is an all American company which does not outsource production.

Best Wishes, Raymond.:)


The Zulu figures are from an old range that they no longer make but Ron told me that they brought some of the figures to see if they could sell them.

Ron's company has been around a long time. Ron used to make camels for K & C back in the 1980s. Unfortunately, I don't have any more details than that. Perhaps Louis has some more background.


Thanks very much for your interesting comments.

It does appear that camels are a Somerset speciality.



Thanks very much for your interesting comments.

It does appear that camels are a Somerset speciality.




They are. If you look here, you'll see the camels that Ron designed for K & C. They are quite similar to what Ron presently sells.

The elephants also are as good as I have seen.

Fully agree and above my means :)

Thanks for the link. I just wish these sets were still available.

I recall some very nice shots of the K&C glossy camels posted in the King and Country subforum.

The camels belonged to both Louis and your goodself.

I just can never get enough of camels......


I have 5 officers and sowars of the 25th Punjab Frontier Force Camel Corps and the camels are identical to the KC camels illustrated in the link. Poses are the same and the furniture to the saddles looks the same, ie., the holsters on the front post and the various bags and weapons on the rear post. These items come separate and are just hung over the posts, loose. Somerset has since added new camel poses to go with the original poses. -- lancer

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