2010 New York Toy Soldier Symposium (1 Viewer)

Louis Badolato

Lieutenant General
Apr 25, 2005
Well, its about that time, so on behalf of Hans Hedrich, Lawrence Lo, Mark Hoffman and myself, let me announce the dates of this year's Symposium events:

Friday, March 5th: 7:00 p.m. Opening Dinner, New York, New York

Saturday, March 6th: 12:30 p.m. Tour of Louis Badolato Collection and Luncheon, Roslyn Harbor, New York; Talks and Presentations by manufacturers; Online Interactive Video Conference with Rick Wang of Figarti live from China

Saturday, March 6th: 6:30 p.m. Dinner at Tse Yang; More Talks by Manufacturers

Sunday, March 7th: 9:00 a.m. Attending Schutzen Park Toy Soldier Show, New Jersey

Sunday, March 7th:1:30 p.m. Farewell Luncheon, New York, New York

For those arriving early, on Thursday, March 4th, Andy Neilson will be making a presentation at the Toy Soldier Gallery, Highland Falls, New York

For anyone arriving early and/or staying late, there will be additional events, including tours of other magnificent area collections, luncheons, etc.

Among the manufacturers attending are Andy Neilson (K&C), John Jenkins (John Jenkins Designs), Ken and Erika Osen (Hudson & Allen Studios), and Clive Gande (Figarti's Europeon Distributor).

Invitations have also been extended to Richard Walker of Britains, and Mark Vuncannon of Build-A-Rama.

Anyone who wishes to attend one or more of the events, please send my a Private Message or e-mail, as space is limited on some events.

Hope to see you there!
One week until the opening dinner!! We are going to have a good crowd this year . . . should be lots of fun.:cool:
With the Westcoaster in the rearview mirror, I thought I would tempt the attendees with a glimpse at the menu for the opening dinner at my club (which is generally considered to serve the best Italian food in NYC):

First Cold Antipasto, then hot antipasto (a complete assortment of all the cold dishes will be on the table, and the waiters will bring around plates and serve the assorted hot antipasto, like Shrimp Scampi, baked clams, etc.);

Then a choice of two pastas (I highly recommend the Porcini Mushroom Ravioli in the Truffle Cream Sauce);

Then your choice of a main course from the regular menus and specials;

(we usually skip the salad course, which would be served here, but you can have it if you want)

Then cheese and fruit;

Then Cookies and coffee (espresso, capucino, etc.);

Then Desert.

Courtesy of Hans and yours truly . . . Bon Appetito
In response to inquiry from Nick and Alex,

The address for the Saturday afternoon event is 450 Bryant Avenue, Roslyn, NY 11576.

Look forward to seeking you both there.


Well everyone . . . another Symposium has come and gone. Like every year it felt like the best Symposium ever, although this one was not without some sad subtractions from the usual list of attendees. Kevin (Panda1gen) was still not feeling up to attending, although he did send an e-mail Friday wishing us a great time, and, more importantly saying that he was starting to feel better and thought he could come visit soon. John Jenkins called me and told me that, sadly, he had to cancel, as he had to go to Britain to visit with his elderly father, who was feeling under the weather. Ken Osen called my Friday to tell me Erika was ill, and they, who had planned to drive to NY and arrive Friday evening, were unable to come. Finally, our good friends Chuck (Evilchuck), Morgan and Jeff (M1Slappy) could not make it, due to work.

Despite the fact that these regulars were not in attendance, Hans Hedrich, Larry Lo, Mark Hoffman and myself were thrilled to host the largest ever attendance at my club's opening dinner, 30+ visitors to the Saturday afternoon event, and 24 people at the Saturday night dinner at Larry Lo's wonderful restaurant (the highest rated in New York for Chinese Food in Zagats), and a good group on Sunday for the luncheon and tour of Mark's wonderful collection.

Among the attendees, it was my great pleasure to finally meet Howard Woods from Australia in person. What a wonderful gentleman, and, as he would put it, a "good mate". He brought along his lovely daughter.

Bruce Whitman, a B25 Mitchell Pilot and active veteran who is on the board of the World War II museum in New Orleans, the Smithsonian Museum, and the Medal of Honor Foundation, was at all events, despite the fact that the weekend before he had to fly to New Orleans to be Honored for his work with the USO (where the lucky devil got to see an advanced viewing of the first episode of the new HBO miniseries "The Pacific").

Special thanks, as always, to Andy Neilson, who gave an interesting talk Saturday night.

Clive Gande of Figarti Europe was, as always, in attendance, and presented the sponsors each with a Figarti December, 2009 London Show figure (I have asked Brad to post some photos of it on this thread).

Doug Luna (a vietnam veteran and regular symposium attendee) came with his friend Mike, a first time attendee, from San Fransisco.

Ron Phillips (Capitalron) did his best to convince Andy to make seminols.

Matt Murphy finally made it to the Symposium, attending the Saturday afternoon event.

My friend Michelle, a novelist who is writing a series of Historical Fiction/Alternative History/Fantasy novels about WWII, spent hours chatting with Andy and others on the subject.

I had the pleasure of meeting a retired 101st Airborne veteran named Chris, who really got a kick out of the Museum.

Brad Lewin kept his attendance streak alive and was present for all Friday and Saturday events, as well as the Show on Sunday, despite an e-mail and phone message indicating he might not make it.

Our good friend Tom Dubel was at all events, and presented me with the Figarti Japanese big gun for my Figarti display.

Great gentlemen and good friend Tim Tyler was present and accounted for.

Rich Schuster, Joe Roy, our friend and Canadian Mounty collector Amanda, Charlie Zucker and his lively wife, and Mark Hoffman's wife attended the Friday and/or Saturday events.

Tony Ciccerello and his lovely wife Marilyn, the proprietors of the Toy Soldier Gallery in Highland Falls, NY, the first ever K&C dealer, who had hosted a get together at his shop with Andy Neilson on Thursday afternoon, attended by Tom Dubel, Howard Woods and myself, came to the Saturday dinner with 5 collector customers of theirs.

Rick Wang of Figarti, who couldn't make it, sent a DVD with a video tour of the Figarti Factory. Hello to all of the Figarti workers who shouted "hello Louis" to me in the video.

Sadly, Al and Sandy of Alsand attempted to came, but arrived early, when I was out picking up Andy Neilson, Howard Woods and Ron Philips, and as nobody was home, they missed the event. I will arrange a private tour of the museum for them to try to make up for it.

At the Secaucus Show on Sunday, we all got to see George Guerrerro, Matt Murphy, Thor from Aeroart, and show host Ed Gries, who kindly let Andy, Howard and myself in early. As a result, we were able to get Howard some great early K&C he needed, and I got an amazing Heco Desert Armored Car (I have asked Brad to post some photos of it on the Heco Thread in the "Other Glossy Manufacturers" subforum.

I finally picked up the K&C ruined Normandy Village George Guerrerro had painted for me. I set it up this morning, and took some photographs of it with some classic K&C figures and vehicles on it, and asked Brad to post them for me.

Thanks to everyone who attended (I appologize if I didn't mention you by name), and I look forward to seeing you all in Chicago at the OTSN and again at the Symposium next year!
Well everyone . . . another Symposium has come and gone. Like every year it felt like the best Symposium ever, although this one was not without some sad subtractions from the usual list of attendees. Kevin (Panda1gen) was still not feeling up to attending, although he did send an e-mail Friday wishing us a great time, and, more importantly saying that he was starting to feel better and thought he could come visit soon. John Jenkins called me and told me that, sadly, he had to cancel, as he had to go to Britain to visit with his elderly father, who was feeling under the weather. Ken Osen called my Friday to tell me Erika was ill, and they, who had planned to drive to NY and arrive Friday evening, were unable to come. Finally, our good friends Chuck (Evilchuck), Morgan and Jeff (M1Slappy) could not make it, due to work.

Despite the fact that these regulars were not in attendance, Hans Hedrich, Larry Lo, Mark Hoffman and myself were thrilled to host the largest ever attendance at my club's opening dinner, 30+ visitors to the Saturday afternoon event, and 24 people at the Saturday night dinner at Larry Lo's wonderful restaurant (the highest rated in New York for Chinese Food in Zagats), and a good group on Sunday for the luncheon and tour of Mark's wonderful collection.

Among the attendees, it was my great pleasure to finally meet Howard Woods from Australia in person. What a wonderful gentleman, and, as he would put it, a "good mate". He brought along his lovely daughter.

Bruce Whitman, a B25 Mitchell Pilot and active veteran who is on the board of the World War II museum in New Orleans, the Smithsonian Museum, and the Medal of Honor Foundation, was at all events, despite the fact that the weekend before he had to fly to New Orleans to be Honored for his work with the USO (where the lucky devil got to see an advanced viewing of the first episode of the new HBO miniseries "The Pacific").

Special thanks, as always, to Andy Neilson, who gave an interesting talk Saturday night.

Clive Gande of Figarti Europe was, as always, in attendance, and presented the sponsors each with a Figarti December, 2009 London Show figure (I have asked Brad to post some photos of it on this thread).

Doug Luna (a vietnam veteran and regular symposium attendee) came with his friend Mike, a first time attendee, from San Fransisco.

Ron Phillips (Capitalron) did his best to convince Andy to make seminols.

Matt Murphy finally made it to the Symposium, attending the Saturday afternoon event.

My friend Michelle, a novelist who is writing a series of Historical Fiction/Alternative History/Fantasy novels about WWII, spent hours chatting with Andy and others on the subject.

I had the pleasure of meeting a retired 101st Airborne veteran named Chris, who really got a kick out of the Museum.

Brad Lewin kept his attendance streak alive and was present for all Friday and Saturday events, as well as the Show on Sunday, despite an e-mail and phone message indicating he might not make it.

Our good friend Tom Dubel was at all events, and presented me with the Figarti Japanese big gun for my Figarti display.

Great gentlemen and good friend Tim Tyler was present and accounted for.

Rich Schuster, Joe Roy, our friend and Canadian Mounty collector Amanda, Charlie Zucker and his lively wife, and Mark Hoffman's wife attended the Friday and/or Saturday events.

Tony Ciccerello and his lovely wife Marilyn, the proprietors of the Toy Soldier Gallery in Highland Falls, NY, the first ever K&C dealer, who had hosted a get together at his shop with Andy Neilson on Thursday afternoon, attended by Tom Dubel, Howard Woods and myself, came to the Saturday dinner with 5 collector customers of theirs.

Rick Wang of Figarti, who couldn't make it, sent a DVD with a video tour of the Figarti Factory. Hello to all of the Figarti workers who shouted "hello Louis" to me in the video.

Sadly, Al and Sandy of Alsand attempted to came, but arrived early, when I was out picking up Andy Neilson, Howard Woods and Ron Philips, and as nobody was home, they missed the event. I will arrange a private tour of the museum for them to try to make up for it.

At the Secaucus Show on Sunday, we all got to see George Guerrerro, Matt Murphy, Thor from Aeroart, and show host Ed Gries, who kindly let Andy, Howard and myself in early. As a result, we were able to get Howard some great early K&C he needed, and I got an amazing Heco Desert Armored Car (I have asked Brad to post some photos of it on the Heco Thread in the "Other Glossy Manufacturers" subforum.

I finally picked up the K&C ruined Normandy Village George Guerrerro had painted for me. I set it up this morning, and took some photographs of it with some classic K&C figures and vehicles on it, and asked Brad to post them for me.

Thanks to everyone who attended (I appologize if I didn't mention you by name), and I look forward to seeing you all in Chicago at the OTSN and again at the Symposium next year!

Sounds like I missed a great weekend. I hope to make it next year.


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