24th Foot AZW advice needed (1 Viewer)

Mister Dave

Command Sergeant Major
Dec 19, 2007
Hoping one of our resident AZW experts can help with advice for the interior construction of helmets worn by 24th foot in Zululand. I am looking at a series of wedge shaped cloth panels that I believe should be green. Also wondering about the composition of the band circling the interior rim of the helmet. Was this leather by chance? Any advice will be most appreciated.

Hoping one of our resident AZW experts can help with advice for the interior construction of helmets worn by 24th foot in Zululand. I am looking at a series of wedge shaped cloth panels that I believe should be green. Also wondering about the composition of the band circling the interior rim of the helmet. Was this leather by chance? Any advice will be most appreciated.


You are correct in that the interior should be green. Actual examples that I have seen had a whitish leather band, somewhat soiled and stained by use, and one had a brown leather band. It is possible that this was just a manufacturers variant, but both types could have been issued. Trooper
Hoping one of our resident AZW experts can help with advice for the interior construction of helmets worn by 24th foot in Zululand. I am looking at a series of wedge shaped cloth panels that I believe should be green. Also wondering about the composition of the band circling the interior rim of the helmet. Was this leather by chance? Any advice will be most appreciated.


Dave I hope this helps.......PapaZ

Thanks guys. Think I will go with a fairly standard brownish leather finish on the part in question. In early stages of working on a really cool looking model whose helmet has come off and is lying on the ground next to him. This exposes the inside bits to view so wanted to avoid any glaring errors. :rolleyes2:


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