28MM Napoleonic Battle (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jun 27, 2005

Battle in July. 28mm French, Poles, Bavarian face Russian and Prussian Hordes. 3 players were novices but insisted on being the French. Since the Allied players had not arrived, I gave them instructions and orders. How to execute an effective attack.It was a disaster.Very difficult to coordinate for veteran players with an aptitude for tactics. Greenhorns were easily repulsed, even with masses of infantry columns, rows of batteries and an extra Heavy Cavalry Division.

On the left, Poles, launch spoiling attacks on the Russian right , stack them up, slow them down, you will be overwhelmed bu Russians so be prepared to occupy the town, fall back on the huge village and refuse the flank. They attacked, in the open and stayed so far ahead of their guns and reserve their own cannons were useless once the Russians came on in force..Russian Cavalry forced them into square. Russian Horse batteries plastered them and the Dragoons came in and finished the job.Polish lancers had been put to flight and the whole flank caved in.Only the French and Polish artillery remained and the Russians easily screened them and now attacked the town that had but 2 Battalions to defend it.

In the Center the French had overwhelming artillery . But other than driving off 2 Russian foot batteries, could not manage to concentrate their fire on any on position. Peppering the whole of the Allied line but no where concentrated.Their attack columns of French and Bavarian infantry were met by withering fire. The French Light Battalions did manage to seize a small village in the center of the allied line , but had payed dearly, were counterattacked by Russian Grenadiers and flung out again. The attack in the center floundered, Brigades halted under fire, changed directions , attacked again an were taken in the flank. DISASTER

On the French right they were opposing a sizable Prussian force commanding a cannon studded hill with plenty of reserves and Cavalry. Orders were to screen the hill with a division of infantry a Brigade of Lancers and 4 Batteries. The other two Divisions with their flank secured would force march to the left behind the main attack and with a CORPS of heavy cavalry destroy the allied center. No, they attacked the formidable position , leaving the center attacks right flank hanging in the breeze. The Prussians easily repulsed the attacks , launched 2 Brigades of Light cavalry { LANCERS and HUSSARS} into the fleeing French and rode over them. A few battalions managed to make it back to their own lines beneath a hill where the French position batteries had been firing ineffective salvo's all morning. Attacked by lancers they formed square and the Lancers wheeled right into another battery of French horse artillery left unsupported on the plain which was easily overtaken. A second battery abandoned their guns but were overrun buy the Deaths heads Hussars. The squares at the base of the hill were pounded to mush by Prussian horse artillery and guns from the big hill. They could take no more and routed through their own gun line taking most of the gunners with them in a confused panic stricken route.These were pursued by more Prussian cavalry and the Prussian infantry formed their ZUGGS into columns and advanced along their front. Another Prussian Division and their Heavy Dragoons brigades marched forward , wheeled right and into the French flank in the center sending them back to the rear in disorder.The French left aside from their reserves was destroyed and 6 Batteries taken.
The French Reserves including 6 Battalions of Young Guard and Old Guard PLUS the Cavalry Corps reenforced defeat by attacking the Prussian and TRYING to stem the route of the center , AND attacking to the right ! More uncoordinated attacks left the cavalry Corps 1/2 destroyed or hopelessly out of position to effect any outcome on the battle, the Guard infantry forced into squares or shot to pieces . The Russian Heavy Cavalry Corps had smashed through the French left, between the villages, attacked the left flank of the French center column and now was poised to attack the Guard squares as Prussian cannon, Jagers and fusiliers poured shot and shell into them. Disaster.
I called the game there. Rather than seeing my Imperial Guard destroyed by the now , demoted to Private players. No Baton for you.


Everywhere the French were forced back , routed or destroyed.

Next time, I get to attack. We did Part of Waterloo in June. French 1st Corps Attack and the center left of the allied line{ left of La Haye Sainte} . Again, very difficult to coordinate attacks and the French were repulsed. Although they did manage to get into and overrun several batteries and bloody the noses of both my Highland Battalions. The reserve Cavalry on the reverse slope did as they were supposed to.
Danny playing the French thought the armored Cuirassier would run over anything . Wrong. Fresh untouched British in reenforced line pour volley's into their compact ranks.
Beat them up 1st Dan. Thin their ranks, weaken their morale. Then try it. Not before.
There is quite simply Nothing to compare to the splendor and pagentry of massed forces of the Napoleonic wars!
BRAVO SIR!! and carry on! :salute::

Thank you!
I cleared ALL the troops off the table and getting ready for another debacle. Going to drag out the Austrians this time.
Fully 1/2 of the French, Prussians and Russians were not even present on the table. I need to build some more tables and put them on casters. 6 x 16' seemed plenty big .
Thats really spectacular! maybe you could arrange just one army length wise on the table as a battle line just to show the volume of figures per army?
How many 28mm Napoleonics do you think you have? Do you have other figures of different periods and scales?
Thanks for posting pics Harold. Great diorama battle scene. John
This is just spectacular on a number of levels, truly "In the grand manner" for sure.

Your collection is stunning to say the least, the time and effort that goes into painting, basing and then setting it all up is mind boggling.

Thanks for sharing..............

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