365 Days (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,
Here's a little look at our newest "365 DAYS" full-colour leaflet which covers many (but not all) of K&C's releases over the last 12 months or so. Copies of this 32 page leaflet will be (and already some are) available from your regular King & Country Dealer and K&C itself.
Best wishes and enjoy!


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There is a vast and varied amount of product that you have produced in a short time Andy. All credit to you. Looking forward to June 1 to add even more:salute::, Robin.
Just in case no one saw my post from earlier this week .....

I have noticed that on the page showing the recently released Napoleonic Hussars that there are 4 new figures coming our way !!!!


On the left hand side there 3 troopers from the 3rd Regt, to add to one the Duellists, one mounted officer with flag, officer without shako, and trooper with sword and on the right side a mounted standard bearer of the 7th Regt.

I wonder of they will be heading our way next week in DISPATCHES ????????

Andy, what a great idea and way to show what KC has done for the hobby in the past 12 months. Chris
Like the K&C figures that are using Ridley Scott's , "The Duellists" for inspiration. The film is a firm favourite of mine.
I have not seen the figures in, "the flesh", so I'm a bit hesitant, however the colour of the 3rd Hussars looks to be too blue rather than grey/grey blue. that is more commonly shown to be what was worn. Is it the photography? So to all who have seen the figures any thoughts?
Hi Guys,
Here's a little look at our newest "365 DAYS" full-colour leaflet which covers many (but not all) of K&C's releases over the last 12 months or so. Copies of this 32 page leaflet will be (and already some are) available from your regular King & Country Dealer and K&C itself.
Best wishes and enjoy!

Maybe I gave some inspiration about the pole flag?:p


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