54mm Civil War Conte plastics/Blackcat metal conversions (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jun 27, 2005
Finally got around to painting the conversions I did last summer. Lot's of Conte plastics hacked apart and parts replaced with metal from my Black Cat molds.Theres some Black cat guys with Plastic hats and packs off the Conte and lastly some of my Own metal mixed in there. I have a few more Rebel's to finish for another 40 figure unit for my war games. More figures for the ULTIMATE playset. Just love adding troops to the collection. I usually get duplicate Britain's Union Infantry simply because you cannot have too many Yankee's, and at least 3 duplicate Confederate's , just to repaint the uniforms for more variety.
Painted about 60 WW2 Soviets too. Tried some 28mm Napoleonic's again last night. Oh my, time to reboot and re group! Hit the wall just painting the piping on some Prussian Horse Artillerymen .Hair pulling time.:confused:{sm2}:mad:DSC_0009a.JPGDSC_0010a.JPGDSC_0013a.JPGDSC_0014a.JPGDSC_0015a.JPG

Union troops.Two were Union standard Bearers , the kneeling reaching for cartridge was a Reb,as is the one at right shoulder with left arm out. The rest are assorted Blackcat.

Last ones. I forgot , there is a Cunningham Reb in there. The kneeling firing with forage cap and double bag knapsack. I just painted the shoulder straps on. I did a lot of little additions. Most of the cartridge boxes were removed and replaced with metal ones from my molds. Mostly because there a touch more detailed and have brass box plates on them, which I like to paint. Also, most of the plastic molded on bayonet scabbards were carved off, holes drilled and replaced with metal bayonets from miss molded rifles. I saved them , snipped off the triangular bayonets, tossed the miss molded rifles back in the smelter, and added them to the figures.No big deal, just kind of fun.
Harold Scott

Der Fub

PS Ragnar sent me a slew of Conte flagbearers when I asked forum members of they had any extra's lying around. Sent me a bunch from Australia for me to play plastic surgeon on. Thank you Ragnar!In your debt Rob. I Owe you some toys.
A lot of work there Fub! But the end result is marvellous - so much variety - and great paint job! {bravo}}

Any plans for a large battle soon?

Jeff :salute::
Finally got around to painting the conversions I did last summer. Lot's of Conte plastics hacked apart and parts replaced with metal from my Black Cat molds.Theres some Black cat guys with Plastic hats and packs off the Conte and lastly some of my Own metal mixed in there. I have a few more Rebel's to finish for another 40 figure unit for my war games. More figures for the ULTIMATE playset. Just love adding troops to the collection. I usually get duplicate Britain's Union Infantry simply because you cannot have too many Yankee's, and at least 3 duplicate Confederate's , just to repaint the uniforms for more variety.
Painted about 60 WW2 Soviets too. Tried some 28mm Napoleonic's again last night. Oh my, time to reboot and re group! Hit the wall just painting the piping on some Prussian Horse Artillerymen .Hair pulling time.:confused:{sm2}:mad:View attachment 148548View attachment 148549View attachment 148550View attachment 148551View attachment 148552

Ah i like to see this Figures very nice painting i search Black cat Figures but i cant find it
greetings Christopher
I only have some painted figures for sale at present. On ebay , search blackcat in toy soldiers. Probably going to sell off all my painted 54mm Napoleonic troops , Russians and Prussians.
Having some difficulty standing and casting for more than an hour or so recently and I just haven't done any over winter.
Harold they worked out great!.......Fun looking at the pics as i can tell which part's are what ^&grin.
The Iron Brigade Flagbearers turned into Rebs look neat....but like them all though!
Have managed to do a few more myself mainly more Confederates but did a neat looking Union...Using the Union Standing firing pose and replacing the arms with the standing firing Brigade guy gives a much more strait musket also swaped the backpack so no bed roll.....So he looks a little different then the stock shooting troops!
Great work Fub and going by your post looks and sounds like you have been busy painting...lots of Rebs and Reds {sm4}

Just found this thread. Excellent work, very well done. Looking forward to seeing more.


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