Those details, about Waldron's decision to disobey the Airgroup Commander, Stanhope Ring, and how the Hornet's captain at the time, Marc Mitscher, more or less covered up Ring's mistakes, and then how those details were, well, covered up by the Pacific command, were something I had never read before. Walter Lord didn't really get into that at all in "Midway-Incredible Victory". There is more detail about the issue in "Shattered Sword," which looks at the battle from the Japanese side, and dispels a number of beliefs held here in the West, mostly because no one ever bothered to read the original Japanese docs, and what little had been translated was inaccurate or an apologetic for certain officers (like Fuchida's "Midway, The Battle that Doomed Japan").
Much of what Torpedo 8 accomplished can be credited to Waldron and his ability as a commander.
Recommended reading, definitely!